Poems of Liberty
Call for Submission: Poems of Liberty: Human Rights in Inhumane War


In a world where the pursuit of justice and the preservation of human rights are of utmost importance, Ukraine stands as a symbol of resilience and unwavering commitment to these principles. Through the lens of poetry, we invite writers and poets to contribute their voices to the ongoing dialogue surrounding Ukraine and human rights.

● Hope and Dreams for a Peaceful Future: Use your words to envision a future where peace and stability prevail in Ukraine. How do you see a path forward? What are your hopes and dreams for a peaceful Ukraine?

● Everyday Life Amidst Conflict: Reflect on how war and aggression have affected everyday life, from disrupted routines to the resilience shown in the face of adversity.

● Homeland and Heritage: Express your connection to Ukraine's history and culture through poetry. How has the war influenced your relationship with your homeland and heritage?

If you would like to contribute to one (or more) of the three categories, please submit the following by 26th November 2023 via email to veronica.burgstaller@freiheit.org 

Your poem in English 

  • Submissions should be original poems and should be written in English.  It is possible to provide the original poem in another language, should you feel more comfortable expressing yourself. We, however, request you also provide an English translation of the poem so that we can publish them side by side.

Information about your poem

  • What category are you submitting for?
  • Tell us a bit about the background/thoughts of your poem and idea for it (max. 1 page).

Information about yourself

  • Your full name and contact details;
  • Should your poem be selected for publication, we will provide you with a honorary fee agreement for the sum of 250€.
  • Please note that to participate in this competition, you have to reside in Europe.