bibliogroup:"Analecta Isisiana" from books.google.com
A Quest for Belonging collects Hans-Lukas Kieser's works on identities and nationalities in late-Ottoman Anatolia and how their destruction during the First World War continues to resonate today.
bibliogroup:"Analecta Isisiana" from books.google.com
A collection of essays by Ottoman historians on Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent and the Ottoman Empire under his rule.
bibliogroup:"Analecta Isisiana" from books.google.com
A report by the American embassy in Ankara during the 1930s on the state of Turkish sport and physical education.
bibliogroup:"Analecta Isisiana" from books.google.com
A collection of essays by Dr. Carl Max Kortepeter on the political history and international relations of the Ottomans as well as on social, cultural and economic aspects of the Ottoman history.
bibliogroup:"Analecta Isisiana" from books.google.com
A collection of essays by Dr. Robert Olson on the 18th and 20th century Ottoman and Turkish history with particular emphasis on Jews, Kurds and the Tulip Period.
bibliogroup:"Analecta Isisiana" from books.google.com
This work is a study of Dimitrie Cantemir (1673-1723), a Romanian prince who lived some 20 years in Istanbul and wrote a history of the Ottoman Empire.