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This is an ideal introduction to and exploration of sex in the ancient world for readers at every level.
bibliogroup:"Ancient world from A to Z" from books.google.com
Reliable, enjoyable, and up-to-date, this handy work of reference will suit readers from student level upwards.
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First Published in 2008. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
bibliogroup:"Ancient world from A to Z" from books.google.com
Sensual yet pre-eminently functional, food is of intrinsic interest to us all. This exciting new work by a leading authority explores food and related concepts in the Greek and Roman worlds.
bibliogroup:"Ancient world from A to Z" from books.google.com
Arranged in an easy-to-use dictionary format, this volume includes more than 700 entries discussing ancient athletes, festivals, important sites, equipment and concepts.
bibliogroup:"Ancient world from A to Z" from books.google.com
Arranged in an easy-to-use dictionary format, this volume includes more than 700 entries discussing ancient athletes, festivals, important sites, equipment and concepts. It is the ultimate guide to ancient sport.
bibliogroup:"Ancient world from A to Z" from books.google.com
For those who want to take their reading further, there are references to both primary sources and modern scholarship.This book is be fascinating for anyone delving into it with an interest in style and dress, and an invaluable companion ...
bibliogroup:"Ancient world from A to Z" from books.google.com
Food in the Ancient World from A to Z will be an invaluable companion for classicists and gastronomes alike." --Book Jacket.
bibliogroup:"Ancient world from A to Z" from books.google.com
Arranged in an easy-to-use dictionary format, this volume includes more than 700 entries discussing ancient athletes, festivals, important sites, equipment and concepts.
bibliogroup:"Ancient world from A to Z" from books.google.com
Sensual yet pre-eminently functional, food is of intrinsic interest to us all. This exciting new work by a leading authority explores food and related concepts in the Greek and Roman worlds.