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High-publicity cases about foodborne illnesses over recent years have heightened public awareness of food safety issues, and momentum has been building to find new ways to detect and identify foodborne pathogens and eliminate food-related ...
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Are there alternatives? What effect does added nitrate have on total nitrate exposure of humans? . . . In this book, we have attempted to answer, or at least to give the background to, some of the questions. . . .
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This fully updated edition provides recent research and developments in the area, features sections on elements of food plant design, an introductory section on the elements of classical fluid mechanics, a section on non-thermal processes, ...
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This has been brought about not only by research in this field, but also, and more importantly, bYiadvances in the basic sciences involved. In this second edition, the chapters dealing with fundamentals have been rewritten and strengthened.
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The Farinograph Handbook: Advances in Technology, Science and Applications, Fourth Edition, highlights the instrument’s changes over the last three decades.
bibliogroup:"Food science and technology series" from books.google.com
Understanding what the consumer wants and will accept are two of the most significant hurdles faced by anyone in new product development.
bibliogroup:"Food science and technology series" from books.google.com
This second edition of the leading reference work for practical food professionals responds to the need for a reassessed perspective on the international practical dehydration industry.
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Two chapters on the processing of tropical and subtropical fruit complete the volume.With its distinguished editor and international team of contributors, Volume 1 of Postharvest biology and technology of tropical and subtropical fruits, ...
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This book looks at flavour generation, flavour analysis and sensory perception of food flavour and how these techniques can be used in the food industry to create new and improve existing products.
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This latest edition continues the tradition for both professionals in the canning industry and students who have benefitted from this collection for over 100 years.