bibliogroup:"Russian Research Center studies: Russian Research Center" from books.google.com
Against this background, Colton explores the growth of the anti-Communist revolution in Moscow politics, as well as fledgling attempts to establish democratic institutions and a market economy.
bibliogroup:"Russian Research Center studies: Russian Research Center" from books.google.com
The story of a man whose gifts and character set him in the path of history, The Ghost of the Executed Engineer is also a cautionary tale about the fate of an engineering that disregards social and human issues.
bibliogroup:"Russian Research Center studies: Russian Research Center" from books.google.com
The story of a man whose gifts and character set him in the path of history, The Ghost of the Executed Engineer is also a cautionary tale about the fate of an engineering that disregards social and human issues.
bibliogroup:"Russian Research Center studies: Russian Research Center" from books.google.com
Vivid account of the secret police as an institution and of Russian society's reactions to it.
bibliogroup:"Russian Research Center studies: Russian Research Center" from books.google.com
A foremost Russian writer of the Soviet period, Bulgakov (1891-1940) has attracted much critical attention, yet Haber is the first to explore in depth his formative years.