inauthor: Sarah Kielt Costello from books.google.com
A detailed examination of the Indus script. It presents new analysis based on an expansive text corpus using revolutionary analytical techniques developed specifically for the purpose of deciphering the Indus script.
inauthor: Sarah Kielt Costello from books.google.com
Taking the reader on wild detours into unfamiliar territory, John Higgs places the bewildering eccentricities of a most singular artist into context and shows us how Blake can help us better understand ourselves.
inauthor: Sarah Kielt Costello from books.google.com
"This book is the complete guide to writing a masters' and doctoral thesis and addresses the nature of interdisciplinary and mixed methods research and the relationship between the two.
inauthor: Sarah Kielt Costello from books.google.com
-Richard H. King, Journal of American Studies A solid contribution to the literature on desegregation...This thought-provoking book provides an excellent perspective on the thirty years of desegregation since Brown.
inauthor: Sarah Kielt Costello from books.google.com
The distinguished contributors to this volume invite us to reflect on the significance of places, real and imagined, in the religious traditions they study and on how places are known, imagined, remembered, and struggled for.
inauthor: Sarah Kielt Costello from books.google.com
This volume presents the chapter from The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition devoted to best practices for preparing and editing indexes as well as current standards for style and format of indexes.
inauthor: Sarah Kielt Costello from books.google.com
A heartrending reflection on a woman's image of herself, and the way others see her, Ketty Rouf's extraordinary debut novel No Touching won the prestigious French literary prize Prix du Premier Roman 2020 (First Novel award)
inauthor: Sarah Kielt Costello from books.google.com
Only recently rediscovered, this marks the inaugural U.S. publication of The Cats of Copenhagen, a treasure for readers of all ages. A rare addition to Joyce’s known body of work, it is a joy to see this exquisite story in print at last.
inauthor: Sarah Kielt Costello from books.google.com
Peer Response in Second Language Writing Classrooms will provide teachers with practical guidelines for making peer response effective in the classroom and will offer a theoretical grounding on the purposes and importance of peer review, or ...
inauthor: Sarah Kielt Costello from books.google.com
Written in Spanish, this textbook introduces the syntax of Spanish, showing how words are put together to form complex expressions.