subject:"Foreign Language Study" from books.google.com
These include a workbook, video lectures for each chapter featuring the author, flashcards keyed to vocabulary in each chapter, a laminated quick study sheet with key concepts, and audio of the vocabulary for each chapter to aid in ...
subject:"Foreign Language Study" from books.google.com
Laugh. Learn English pronunciation from the successful! Follow my steps in this book to learn English pronunciation and pronounce it perfectly with 100% accuracy! Let's achieve that in four months and have fun. Get this book now!
subject:"Foreign Language Study" from books.google.com
This Etymological Dictionary gives the origins of some 20,000 items from the modern English vocabulary, discussing them in groups that make clear the connections between words derived by a variety of routes from originally common stock.
subject:"Foreign Language Study" from books.google.com
Vietnamese vocabulary book + Vietnamese dictionary This Vietnamese vocabulary book contains more than 3000 words and phrases which are grouped by topic to make it easier for you to pick what to learn first.
subject:"Foreign Language Study" from books.google.com
The translator also has provided an informative introduction to Colette and her work, and to this novel in particular.
subject:"Foreign Language Study" from books.google.com
They are arranged by themes, not by the alphabet. The book is intended to help you learn this language or revise your vocabulary in a thematic way, but can also be applied for translating or entertaining.
subject:"Foreign Language Study" from books.google.com
Slovak vocabulary book + Slovak dictionary This Slovak vocabulary book contains more than 3000 words and phrases which are grouped by topic to make it easier for you to pick what to learn first.
subject:"Foreign Language Study" from books.google.com
В знаменитом на весь мир произведении Жюля Верна «Таинственный остров» рассказывается о группе людей, сбежавших из плена на ...
subject:"Foreign Language Study" from books.google.com
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