subject:"Reference / Genealogy & Heraldry" from books.google.com
This text recounts Charlemagne's personal life and his achievements in warfare, learning, art, building, and in the skillful administration of the state.
subject:"Reference / Genealogy & Heraldry" from books.google.com
Recounts in detail the family lives of members of the Kennedy clan, including the drug-taking and other dilemmas of the rising generation.
subject:"Reference / Genealogy & Heraldry" from books.google.com
A fascinating look at national symbols worldwide and the important role they play in creating and maintaining individual and collective identity.
subject:"Reference / Genealogy & Heraldry" from books.google.com
"This revised and expanded second edition of the Dictionary of American Family Names has been nearly eight years in the making.
subject:"Reference / Genealogy & Heraldry" from books.google.com
An account of the early years of Plymouth Colony, told in part in the words of the settlers, with appendices reproducing original documents and biographical sketches.
subject:"Reference / Genealogy & Heraldry" from books.google.com
The Birth of Tragedy (1872) was Nietzsche's first book; The Genealogy of Morals (1887) one of his last.
subject:"Reference / Genealogy & Heraldry" from books.google.com
Elizabeth I, James I, Charles I, Charles II, James II, William III and Mary II, Anne, George I, George II, and George III--the English royals who were also the royals of early America--are all covered in this work.
subject:"Reference / Genealogy & Heraldry" from books.google.com
Shows what various flags of the United States have meant, and what the Stars and Stripes means to us today.