subject:"Religion Eastern" from books.google.com
It highlights the Tao Te Ching's insights on simplicity, balance, and learning from the paradoxical truths you can see all around you: finding strength through flexibility (because bamboo bends, it is tough to break); achieving goals by ...
subject:"Religion Eastern" from books.google.com
Introduces the many strands of Confucianism in a style accessible to students and general readers.
subject:"Religion Eastern" from books.google.com
The prominent Zen Buddhist scholar and author of The Wisdom of Insecurity draws on Taoism, Christianity, and other world religions to explore the dilemma of seeking your true self In this collection of writings, including nine new chapters ...
subject:"Religion Eastern" from books.google.com
“A terrific introduction to the Buddha’s teachings.” —Paul Blairon, California Literary Review This indispensable volume is a lucid and faithful account of the Buddha’s teachings. “For years,” says the Journal of the Buddhist ...
subject:"Religion Eastern" from books.google.com
Meng writes: "Some people buy books that teach them to be liked; others buy books that teach them to be successful. This book teaches you both. You are so lucky."
subject:"Religion Eastern" from books.google.com
A clarion call for interfaith dialogue in the U.S., this “splendid exposition of non-Christian approaches to God . . . encourages an increased religious literacy that . . . will contribute richness and diversity to our national ...
subject:"Religion Eastern" from books.google.com
Book Two of Rumi's Masnavi is concerned with the challenges facing the follower of Sufi enlightenment. It interweaves stories and homilies in order to instruct followers of Rumi, the great thirteenth-century Muslim mystic.
subject:"Religion Eastern" from books.google.com
"This is a second, revised edition of Kupperman's introduction to Asian philosophy via its canonical texts.
subject:"Religion Eastern" from books.google.com
Zen and Japanese Culture is a valuable source for those wishing to understand Zen in the context of Japanese life and art, and remains one of the leading works on the subject.
subject:"Religion Eastern" from books.google.com
This edition includes an introduction and notes by the well-known writer and scholar of philosophy and comparative religion, Jacob Needleman.