What To Feed A Baby Bird That Fell Out Of A Nest

Unless you’re a biologist or conservationist you never know what to feed a baby bird that fell out of a nest. Feeding birds can be a daunting task especially if it’s your first time. Every backyard birder has observed the ‘starving baby’ act by fledging birds, when they flap their wings and demand attention from apparently hard-hearted and unresponsive parents. The crave for feeding as well as nurturing those downy balls of feathers can be powerful; however, it is essential to comprehend the particular baby bird’s dietary needs and know what to feed a baby bird without a mother.

What To Feed a Baby Bird without Feathers

Depending solely on their age and species, baby birds have incredibly challenging needs in that they may eat every 10 – 20 minutes for about 12 – 14 hours each day. The diet must be rich enough in proteins to make sure a strong growth which is why they should be fed insects most of the time. It goes without saying that no human other than a licensed bird rehabber has an appropriate equipment, diet supplements or patience to sustain the uptight feeding schedule, and if you’re lucky enough to find a baby bird that require feeding, the best thing to do is NOT TO FEED THEM, but to approach any bird care center or bird rescue organization nearby. In several cases, the begging birds are not, as a matter of fact, discarded, and their parents are in the same vicinity and tending their chicks as needed.

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If you’ve found a baby bird that appears to be hungry, observe the bird closely for about 1 – 2 hours to judge whether the parents will return to feed them. Bear in mind that for a parent bird it might take seconds to bite their babies, and distracted observers may miss our numerous feeding cycles. With the growth of the babies, feeding may also be less common, and one parent bird may be attending many offspring in various locations, so feeding may be irregular.

If you find a neglected baby bird that seems to be lethargic and weaker and you know it’s not being fed, let the bird rehabber or licensed birds take care of them. While connecting the rehabber, ask for their assessments before actually attempting any emergency feeding. If they suggest you to feed a baby bird then their recommendations may be accompanied with certain suggestions for emergency measure, and those suggestions should be strictly act upon.

Is Feeding Necessary? Then What To Feed Baby Birds

If you find a baby bird, however, that require feeding but you cannot access any bird rehabber or bird rescue center then perhaps you need to know what to feed a baby bird that will offer related nourishment to its natural diet. You should also realize the fact that every bird species has different dietary needs and diet. Nonetheless, there are many types of food that can serve as urgent rations when required. Similarly, you should also realize that there is a significant difference in the nutritional needs of baby birds in comparison to the adult birds, and the foods you would usually feed to your backyard birds are not suitable for little fledglings.

Photo Credit, Happy Birding

Get to know more about:

Acceptable Foods for Baby Birds

These are the most preferred foods in case you don’t know what to feed a baby bird without feathers.


  • Raw liver
  • Biscuits for Dogs
  • Hard-boiled Eggs
  • Moist Dog Food
  • Cat Kibble

Unacceptable Foods for Baby Birds

  • Bread
  • Milk
  • Pet Bird Food
  • Worms
  • Whole Birdseed

How Do You Feed a Baby Bird?

Here are the important tips to consider while feeding baby birds:

  1. Offer food that is soft in texture, not necessarily soaked in water for it can lead to choking or drowning. Bear in mind that all foods must be softened before being offered to baby birds.
  2. You should offer food at room temperature only.
  3. Divide the food into small bits and pieces for easy digestion.
  4. Finally, you should handle a baby bird as little as possible to play down the risk of additional injury.

You Find a Baby Bird! What To Do Now?

Summer and spring season are the nesting seasons for majority of the birds, and anxious birders usually find juveniles out of the nest and apparently on their own prematurely. When you find a baby bird, a proper understanding of feeding can help you make sure it receives appropriate care and the best chances for survival. To provide the best environment to nurse a new avian friend to health, consider investing in a high-quality bird or parrot cage to give them proper care.

Is This Bird a Baby?

If you find a baby bird that fell out of a nest or otherwise left alone on the ground, you should first conclude if it is, in fact, a baby in need of assistance. There are several songbird fledglings that tend to leave their nests few days before they actually fly, while the parent birds are still looking after them. If this is the case then fledglings do not need too much intervention from concerned birders. When you first notice a baby bird, observe it closely. Watch its energy level and behavior to help determine if it needs assistance – energetic, active birds should be fine on their own, while weaker, less active birds may need help.




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