How to Decorate a Hat


My daughter Rachel decorated some hats with her friends. An assortment of craft supplies were at the center of the table, including various silk flowers and greenery to choose from.

To host a hat-decorating party, you will first want to find some plain straw hats at yard sales and resale shops. The ones I found were one or two dollars each. Next you will need to collect silk flowers of various colors. These don’t have to be expensive either, as people often have a free box at their yard sales, and I’ve seen silk flowers thrown in there because the owner saw no craft value in them.


You will want to use some wire cutters or kitchen shears (scissors) to cut off all the flowers and little greenery from each bunch of silk flowers. Color-coordinate the flowers in bowls: red roses in one bowl, light pink in another, white in another, etc. This will make it easier to construct your hat masterpiece, and it will help you see how much of one color flower is left. It also looks visually appealing as the center of the table has bowls with different colors in each bowl.


Different shades or sizes of flowers can also be separated out, as well as greenery. You can also have feathers, buttons, glass beads, or any other fun crafting materials that you think would look good on a straw hat.


Now you are ready to decorate a hat with these items. Arrange the flowers on the hat, and then hot glue them into place. If the child is young, an adult will need to do the hot gluing.

Now your unique decorated straw hat is ready to wear for the beach, a picnic, or a tea party!

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20 Responses to “How to Decorate a Hat”

  1. Melissa says:

    What a cute project that is pretty cheap but allows for great creativity!

  2. Alice Mills says:

    How cute! I did that with my girls when they were younger, then we had a big tea party!

  3. Erin says:

    Wow what a great craft! I love it. A great way to start off the summer.

  4. Super cute! I did this a while back, but mine did not turn out as cute as yours!

  5. Donna Miller says:

    This is a really cute idea! I never thought to decorate a hat!! Super sweet!

  6. Sara says:

    Great ideas!! I wish I could also be more creative 🙂

  7. Heather Hart says:

    One of my girls’ friends did this for her birthday party one year. They had a blast!

  8. Julie says:

    I imagine doing this and then having a tea party after it! What a cute idea!

  9. They say one person’s junk is another person’s treasure! This is so true! I love recycling things into new things. I believe God is pleased because it shows Him the value of the beautiful earth He created for us. I love the “Free Box” at rummage sales. Now, I’ll be looking for hats and silk flowers. Thanks for the idea!

  10. Neethu Ann says:

    That’s so cool. Have some of hats out here. Will try them out to wear with beach attires.

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