How to Join in the Round without Twisting

There are times when you want to knit a moebius or infinity loop garment, but usually when knitting in the round you want to avoid the twist. We’ve all been there, accidentally twisted the join and realized 2 or 3 inches into knitting that you have a moebius! Here is a really easy way to avoid that painful discovery.



Step 1

Start with the two-strand CO leaving a tail a few inches long.


Step 2

Instead of joining immediately, turn and simply work back and forth for the first few rows (what would be rounds). The aforementioned garments each begin with Garter Stitch which is much easier to work flat anyway (knit every row rather than purl a round, knit a round).


Step 3

After at least one row, join, making sure the RS is facing out and begin working in the round. Even if it is after one row, you will have more than just a CO edge to help you see whether or not you have twisted your knitting.


Step 4

You will have to do a tiny bit of seaming to finish (use the tail you left when casting on), but it is well worth it to avoid an unintended Moebius.



Thank you for this info. I do a similar trick to avoid the dreaded twist. I cast on to a straight needle.It’s easier for me to see the stitches as I count. I then transfer or knit a row or two to give the fabric stabilty then knit on to the circulars. Making lots of Fair Isle hats and find this quick way to start without tearing out a twist. Quick stitch at end makes invisible join.


If you aren’t able to use the tail to sew the seam, you can use a separate piece of yarn. As step 2 notes, you can knit flat for a few rows before joining. Good luck!


What if your tail is only a couple of inches long? And can I knit more than one row before joining?


Hi Lori,
You should start with the stitch the pattern recommends. You’ll knit back and forth for an even number of rows. Start your ribbing pattern with the last stitch rather than the first. So if you are knitting a k1, p1 rib and the last stitch will be a purl in the round, you will start with a k1 when you knit back and forth. Hope that helps!

Lori Mowbray

How about if the first row is supposed to be ribbed as per the pattern? Should you start by knitting a garter row and wait to start doing the ribbing after you join following the garter row or just start the ribbing right away?


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