Here’s How You Can Help Mexico Earthquake Victims

On Tuesday, a devastating earthquake hit Mexico. With a magnitude of 7.1 magnitude, the quake was powerful enough to level buildings in Mexico City. Over 200 people have been reported dead, including children at a demolished school. Many more victims are still missing as search and rescue workers continue to search the rubble of fallen buildings.

In response to the tragedy, many organizations are accepting donations to help the Mexico City earthquake victims. Below, a list of reputable outfits actively working to aid relief efforts. (Note: Many of the pages are written in Spanish, so try translating the page using Google to make sure you are filling out the donations forms correctly.)


Red Cross Mexico

Oxfam Mexico

Save the Children Mexico (page is in English)

Project Paz

Topos Mexico

Global Giving (page in English)

International Community Foundation (page is in English)

World Vision (page is also in English)

GoFundMe (page is also in English)

Catholic Relief Services (page is in English)

In addition to monetary donations, locals are asking, via Twitter, to have other open up their Wifi networks so people searching for loved ones can use it to communicate more easily. Lodging is also in high demand, so if you, or anyone you know, has a room available in the country near the disaster zone, promote the location via social media.

Here’s a look at one building, which is no longer inhabitable, collapsing:

A further look at the destruction:

The earthquake follows a series of natural disasters. For a look at how you can help victims of the recent hurricanes, click here and here.

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