How Should You Handle the End of a Friendship?

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Questions about issues in the news for students 13 and older.

Sometimes, good friends simply “grow apart.” Interests change, social circles shift, a family moves away–these are just a few reasons a friendship might fail apart. What is the best way to handle a friendship’s end? What have you learned from your experiences or from witnessing other friends grow apart?

If you think adults don’t go through the same thing, you’ll be surprised by “It’s Not Me, It’s You.” In this article, Alex Williams writes:

“The first step before you end a friendship is to consider, very carefully and seriously, if you want to end a particular friendship or if you just want to wind it down,” said Jan Yager, a friendship coach and author of “When Friendship Hurts: How to Deal With Friends Who Betray, Abandon, or Wound You” (Simon & Schuster, 2002). “It will usually be a lot more pleasant to just pull away, and stop sharing as much privileged information.”

The passive approach can work, sort of. Marni Zarr, 46, a substitute teacher in Mesa, Ariz., employed it when she decided that a friend she had picked up in parents’ circles was starting to drag her down with her neediness and constant competitiveness. Ms. Zarr gave less of herself in conversations, stopped talking about her feelings, became vaguer about future aspirations.

“I took the route of distancing myself: not immediately answering texts,” she recalled. “I answered the important things, but not the ‘Hey, how are you doing, what’s up tonight?’ ones.”

… Mr. Horchow, who at 83 has been carefully adding and dropping friends since Franklin Roosevelt was president, prefers the gentlemanly approach.

“At any age, dropping a friend is a delicate matter and should be handled kindly,” he said. “You don’t want to have to make a pronouncement that your friendship is declining or over; you don’t want to have to say anything. If asked why you haven’t seen each other for a while, be vague. ‘I’m just so busy’ or ‘I’m traveling a lot.’ ”

… A trial separation can soften the blow.

“You might also want to suggest a cooling-off, or a revisiting your friendship in X number of weeks or months,” said Dr. Yager, the friendship coach. “Your former friend will probably put more time and energy into the other friendships that are working and will forget about contacting you in time.”

Such a direct approach ultimately may be effective, but it still engenders the same pain and awkwardness as an actual breakup, said Erika Johnson, a blogger who lives outside Boston. A couple of years ago, she found herself running a cost-benefit analysis of a friendship from her early 20s that was starting to grind her down.

Every new choice she made in her life — whether it was to return to graduate school or move to the suburbs — was greeted with dismissive scorn by the friend. Ms. Johnson decided to end the relationship with a telephone call.

“My main point was that life is very short and fleeting, and I value my happiness enough to eradicate the negative energy,” Ms. Johnson recalled. For months, the ex-friend continued to try to contact her. Ms. Johnson felt terrible, especially as mutual friends would tell her about the pain she had caused the woman.

Eventually, however, the reports from the mutual friends started to change in tenor. The old friend had been doing a lot of soul-searching after the breakup, they said. The mutual pain might have been worth it, Ms. Johnson concluded — to the point where she might consider another attempt at friendship with her.

Students: Are you surprised by what you read above about adults who agonize over ending their friendships? Can you relate to their situations? What do you think of the advice given by Dr. Yager and Mr. Horchow? What have you learned about handling relationships with your friends from the adults in your life?

Students 13 and older are invited to comment below. Please use only your first name. For privacy policy reasons, we will not publish student comments that include a last name.

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I think it should be mutual. It’s really if two people can’t get along then instead of causing hard ship just stop being friends. Makes less stress on each of the people.

By not freaking out about it. Oh no, your hated by another person, it’s not the end of the world.

How I would handle the end of a friendship, is just to let it go and walk away. I wouldn’t be mad or try to start a fight. I would be upset but I would still try to talk to them hear and there.

Well I guess I’m surprised at the fact that adults would actually have a method of choosing there friends. I don’t even have a method of gaining or poising friends. I just gain a friend or loose a friend with out any particular method. I gain a friend from school or a party because we have a common interest or if the person is just fun to hang out with and I loose a friend we we slowly grow apart or we just don’t hang out anymore due to a number of different reasons. It’s a completely random and natural process and I feel like the advice given is just over-complicating a situation that takes care of itself. Sorry.

Its supriseing how adults have a way to add and drop friends I feel a friend is a friend no matter what

I dont see me ending any any of my good friendships but i dont think you can end a friendship unless its a mutual agreement. Ive learned a good friendship is on both sides-not just on one person but both.

I really cannot relate to their situations because I have not really lost many friends. Although I may have friends that I don’t talk to often but I am still friends with them. I haven’t really learned much about handling relationships with friends from adults because my parents haven’t really lost friends. Although I myself has lost friends along the way most of the time it’s for a good reason, and I think that sometimes people take it harder then they should.

am not surprised at all. My parents told me about how they handle there life time friends all the time. I can not really relate to the topic because I haven’t ever lost a friend. I mean they may move away or we stop talking but i still consider them a friend.

I think it’s abnormal that adults have a way to get friend and a way to drop friends. I’ve never really planned out how I receive and lose friends. Things like that just happen on their own and there’s nothing I could really do to make the situation stop.

I am not really really surprised about how adults deal with the end of friendships. I have seen first hand some of the ways adults deal with these situations. Not all adults decide to end friendships by phone call or distancing themselves. Sometimes they try more extensive things that can backfire on them. I can definitely relate to a lot of these people because I have had to move many times and lose friends and gain new friends. Mainly if it is a sudden stop of friendship then i try to distance myself from the person until the other person finds out what I am trying to say.

I don’t believe that there’s a way that people gain or lose friends. I believe that it just happens. As you meet a person that you may or may not know, you become closer to that person. If the friendship becomes too close, then there are usually a lot of fights, which may put an end to the friendship. What I’m trying to say is that you can’t manually make a friendship and then end it, it’s just something that happens naturally.

I believe you should be able to cry for the first day and if it really wasn’t a big loss then just keep moving on with your life. Because, as soon as you graduate you sure as hell won’t be sitting around sulking and you’ll forget about that person. It’s not something that you’ll be stuck on for the rest of your life. You’ll make other friends.

I don’t think that if someone was really ever your friend that your friendship would ever actually end. So in my opinion you should just cut your losses in this situation and realize that you’re better off; no one needs fake friends.

I think the way you should end a friendship depends on why you’re ending the friendship and what went on. If they did something bad or just started distancing themselves from you in the first place then maybe you should just let them go. If they don’t want to be in the friendship, why carry it on? If things are just going well between the people maybe a talk would work, or like just slowly grow apart and find someone new, to fill the gap.

I think that the best way to end a friendship is to just let it fade away. Start by spending less time with someone. Eventually, they’ll get the hint. You don’t need to treat it like a big thing, like breaking up with someone. Just let things happen naturally. Also, it should be a mutual occurrence.
I agree with my classmates, actually, that it’s strange that this is something that adults worry about. Friendship sort of happens by itself- you meet the person, learn about them, decide you like talking with them, and become their friend. Friendship ends when you grow apart from someone, and it’s a very natural thing.

I think you should end a friendship on good terms. That means not holding a grudge against each other.

I think the end of a friendship shouldn’t be dramatic. Usually when a friendship ends (at our school) EVERYONE knows about it. I think your personal business should be discrete. If you and a friend just simply grow apart, you can’t change what happened. Hitting high school, I’ve witnessed many of my friends changing, maturing, and sometimes..not. I’ve learned not to make it a big deal, and move on.

I too believe that the end of friendships just happen. Sometimes people grow apart. In my case I’ve only had two real best friends. The first one I just drifted away from. We started talking to different people, it was mutual. I also think though, if a friend is really dragging you down, or was mean to you in a very powerful way, it would be best to just cut that person out of your life immediately.

It doesn’t surprise me that adults also agonize over ending their friendships. Friends are people you share things with, secrets, stories and everything in between. Its hard to just let that go. I have learned that friends grow apart and its just part of life. You have to be really lucky to have a friend for your entire life.

I totally disagree with the adults method of finding friends. There is no particular way one should go about finding friends. I think that it should just come naturally. You don’t need a “method” to find friends; it should just come easy. If you and a particular person can talk easily and have fun together and most importantly trust one another, it will be a good friendship. Whereas the ending the friendship thing comes in, I don’t think I have ever ended a friendship by saying in their face or even telling in general that it was over or we needed a break. If a friendship ends it is usually likely that the group just grows apart and doesn’t think much of it. They might not talk to each other or hang out anymore for a various amount of different situations.”gain a friend from school or a party because we have a common interest or if the person is just fun to hang out with and I loose a friend we we slowly grow apart or we just don’t hang out anymore due to a number of different reasons.” Wesley 216 I totally agree with you. You couldn’t have put in a better way.

From my experiences, failing friendships tend to die on their own terms. There is no need to explain why, it’s a silent transition. Friendships that end due to anger are a completely different animal. Lying and trying to “get back” at the other person tends to be a difficult transition, as the other person wants everyone to know that they were in the right. These terminations requires patience and being the better person. Being polite, retaining composure and controlling your emotions are key to ending a difficult friendship.

Brittany and Kierra- 216 January 30, 2012 · 9:36 am

I believe that if you need to drop a friendship then do it. But you shouldn’t just drop it for no reason cause if you you will both get hurt and sooner or later regret it. So I think if you are considering dropping a friend take time to think about it and make sure that its what you want.

I would agree with what the article suggested and just drift apart. In my experience when you do sort of just grow apart it involves a lot less ager and resentment. It also leaves you with the opportunity to return to that friendship later in life. By boldly ending a friendship you may be severing a tie that cannot grow back.

Friends at any are obviously going to stress about losing one another. Looking at doctor Yager’s statements, I’ve found that I have used the same technique before, because I get sick of people easily. So I just stop hanging out for a while, stop contacting them and then later I realize that I miss them and we pick back up and things are great. The adults in my life have always told me to use this manner and to be polite and subtle about it, much like what the “experts” talked about in the article. Generally, I don’t “end” friendships, so much as they fade away.

It doesn’t surprise me that adults often have this problem also. In fact, they have more priorities and responsibilities than us teenagers so it would be more difficult to maintain a friendship. From adults, I’ve learned to be careful who I keep in my life, and who I “kick out”. Regret is awful and friendship is very important.