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$weet life for subway candyman

This self-proclaimed candyman is rolling in dough!

An enterprising subway vendor who illegally sells cookies and candy to straphangers on the D train claims to be raking in about $55,000 a year selling the sweets — more money than many of his customers who hold 9-to-5 jobs.

Alex “Tracks” McFarland, the star of a short documentary film by Columbia grad student Bianca Consunji, bragged that he makes about $150 a day, six days a week, loudly hawking goodies for a buck.


He said he’s been on the job since he was just 11 years old.

“These M&M’s, I take care of my family with this,” he tells the camera in the two-minute short.

But the 25-year-old father of three told The Post yesterday that as of this week, he’s out of the M&M business.

“Too expensive,” he said. “Not enough profit.”

He said that during the holiday rush, he’ll hustle candy 12 hours a day until January because “I’m trying to save up for my kids.”

The entrepreneur does not live with his children, Alexander 5, Ariana 4, and Ava, 8 months, and is not married.

“I’m single like a dollar!” he said.

He also doesn’t pay taxes on the profit he generates from hustling the bulk candy he buys at Costco or BJ’s each week.

“I pay tax,” he grins. “Sales tax.”

He boards the downtown D train at Tremont Avenue and works his way through the cars from back to front until he reaches 145th Street, then he heads back uptown on another train.

As he enters each car, he yells at the top of his voice, “Hello, ladies and gentleman, some of you know me, some of you don’t. I’m Tracks General and I’m sellin’ candy which is better than sellin’ drugs!”

He carries cookies “for people who claim they don’t eat candy,” and trail-mix bars “for people who like to eat healthy,” he said.

“But this has got the most sugar in it,” he snickered.

A candy-selling pal, Calvin Green, working the same train as McFarland quietly bragged, “I make $200 a day in profit. There’s big money in this game.”

McFarland says he makes enough money to take care of his family and buy himself $300 Nike sneakers.

“I saw him on AOL,” said straphanger Ilenana Furman, 29, a client-relations executive from Rego Park, Queens, who had purchased a bag of chocolate-chip cookies.

“He makes $55,000 a year? I’m about to start selling candy. He makes more than I make.”

When he’s not selling sweets, McFarland is ducking the cops — the MTA strictly prohibits selling anything in the subway without a permit, especially food.

If he’s caught, McFarland could face up to 10 days in jail and a $100 fine, according to MTA regulations.