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Healthy Aging

Tai Chi for Older Newbies

Want to dodge depression and maybe even dementia? Prevent falls and grow stronger in mind and body?

Tai chi may be the answer.

The benefits of this ancient Chinese form of exercise have been repeatedly demonstrated by a growing body of clinical evidence. Among the possible benefits:

  • Falls prevention
  • Balance boosting
  • Stress and pain reduction
  • Immune system enhancement
  • Easing depression
  • Increasing bone density
  • Lessening Parkinson’s disease symptoms

Even if you think you’re out of shape, this is one form of exercise you can do. In fact, the Oregon Research Institute in Eugene recently conducted a study that found adults over 65 who had lowest fitness levels improved the most by doing tai chi twice a week.

What is Tai Chi?

There are many ways to translate and spell the words – Tai Chi, T’ai Chi, Taiji, Taijiquan, Tai Chi Chuan, and Taiji Qigong. (Qi is the Chinese word for “energy,” and gong means “exercise.”) But no matter how you spell it, the same principles underlie the practice: Focusing the mind on slow movement reduces stress and produces mental calm, while deep breathing and standing meditation focus consciousness, and restore energy and physical balance.

Tai chi/qigong integrates basic, low-impact elements often performed to classic and soothing Chinese music:

  • Choreographed movements and footwork, taiji
  • Repetitive breathing and body movement, qigong
  • Slow rhythmic hand movements, or taolu
  • Slow, mindful breathing, or neigong (which means “internal skill)
  • Slow or fast movements and footwork based on martial arts
  • Standing or sitting meditation

The practice is a mental and physical centering,” explains tai chi master Yang Yang, PhD, founder and director of the Center for Taiji and Qigong Studies in New York City, where he teaches what he terms Evidence Based Taiji.

“The relation between tai chi and qigong is often misunderstood. Qigong literally means to exercise/nurture one’s vital energy; it is a mind/body/spirit integrative practice,” Dr. Yang says. “Tai chi is actually one kind of qigong exercise: other fundamental qigong exercises (such as sitting and standing meditation) are essential components of traditional taiji training.”

Tai chi can also include two-person response drills, called tuishou, where each partner pushes the other’s hands; and sometimes also faster movements akin to dancing.

The Power of Tai Chi

“Tai chi can not only reduce stress and depression, but also relieve pain, build strength, and improve cognitive function, perhaps even delaying dementia” says Peter M. Wayne, PhD, Director of Research at the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, jointly based at the Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

Cognitive aid

Studies show that among people with early dementia or mild cognitive impairment, exercises such as tai chi can have positive effects on cognitive performance and memory, says Dr. Wayne, who is co-author with Mark L. Fuerst of “The Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi: 12 Weeks to a Healthy Body, Strong Heart & Sharp Mind.”

Immunity Booster

Tai chi may improve immune function. One small study showed that seniors had a better immune reaction to flu vaccine after learning tai chi, says Dr. Wayne. A small study by Dr. Yang showed that seniors had a better immune reaction to flu vaccine after learning tai chi and practicing it for five months.

Cancer help

Tai chi benefits cancer survivors. “It does not cure cancer, but restores function, strength and energy, helps people deal with symptoms, and improves resiliency,” says Dr. Yang, who works with cancer patients at the Integrative Medicine Center of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. In addition to reducing pain, it improves sleep, he adds.

Fall prevention

Tai chi biggest benefit – and the one backed by the most evidence so far – is in its capacity to improve balance and prevent falls. “Tai chi strengthens weak muscles in legs and improves the ability of ankles to flex on uneven surfaces – and repeated movements improve reaction time. All of these help prevent falls,” Dr. Wayne says. According to Dr,. Yang, tai chi also significantly increases core strength, which is important for improving balance, and enhances our ability to use information from the inner ear that is a key aspect of maintaining balance.  

Tai Chi as Treatment?


Dr. Wayne has begun a small pilot study at Harvard-affiliated hospitals among early-stage Parkinson’s patients to see whether tai chi can help slow the loss of mobility and cognitive function. A 24-week, randomized clinical trial reported in 2012 by the New England Journal of Medicine suggested that twice-weekly tai chi sessions can improve balance and function, as well as prevent falls among Parkinson’s patients. Those benefits persisted for three months after the trial ended. The accumulation of this and other evidence has prompted the National Parkinson’s Foundation to endorse tai chi. (Click here to read more about this study.)

Heart health

A number of studies indicate tai chi can benefit the heart. A 2011 study in the Archives of Internal Medicine (to which Dr. Wayne contributed) suggests that tai chi may improve quality of life, mood, and exercise self-efficacy in people with chronic heart failure.

“Tai chi seems to act like a ‘gateway exercise’ for older people, opening them up to being more active,” Dr. Wayne says.

That’s a good thing at any age.

Click here to read more about tai chi research.

Tai Chi on DVD 

These are all available at Amazon.com

  • “Dr. Yang Yang’s Evidence-Based Taiji (EBT)TM and Qigong Program,” taught by Yang Yang, PhD.
  • “Tai Chi: The Supreme Ultimate,” taught and demonstrated by Dr. Lawrence Galante.
  • “Tai Chi for Older Adults,” by Paul Lam.
  • “Qi Gong Flow for Beginners” and “Qi Gong: The Flow Continues” taught by Lee Holden. (These videos are both shown regularly on Public Television.)

Ti Chi Classes

You can find tai chi classes in most cities, including NYC: Check your local YMCA, enquire about free tai chi classes and informal meetups in city parks, and conduct a local Google search for private tai chi academies.

Tai Chi in NYC: 

  • The Center for Taiji and Qigong Studies 347-989-3388 or 646-717-2838; or click here to visit the website. Classes taught by Dr. Yang are also offered at various locations; some classes for cancer patients and survivors are free.
  • Fort Tryon Park at Linden Terrace, Manhattan. Free sunrise classes are sponsored by Fort Tryon Trust/Northern Manhattan Parks. 212-795-1388; or click here to visit the website.
  • Bryant Park, Fountain Terrace,Sixth Ave at 41st Street, Manhattan. Free workshops sponsored by the Bryant Park Corp and instructed by members of the Tai Chi Chuan Center. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7:30-8:30am, through September. 212-768-4242 or email bpc@urbanmgt.com.
  • Columbus Park, Chinatown, 67 Mulberry St, Manhattan. Free informal workshops. 212-408-0100; or click here to visit the website.


12 responses to “Tai Chi for Older Newbies

  1. i live in garland, tx, a suburb of dallas. i am in dire need of improvement of circulation and balance. i am a senior and on a limited income. i saw the commercial with dick van dyke and was very interested that there is help for my ailments. now, i am going to check it out.
    thanks for bringing this up!

  2. I loved attending Tai Chi for Better Balance locally in Oklahoma City. The instructor was kind and patient. Compared to the longer forms of Tai Chi (24 Steps), the time was well spent at class and easier to practice at home. Here the county health department helped set up the classes at two senior centers where I live. The cost was minimal. You might call the community centers near your home to find classes. Other classes here are held at the library and some churches. I also purchased the DVD of Tai Chi for Better Balance to practice at home after I took several weeks of classes.

    1. I used a search engine online and used the words “Tai Chi for Better Balance” and 27615. The results showed that the YMCA might have classes near you.

      Try calling the YMCA locations in your town and ask about the cost.

      Your senior centers might also have the class at a lower cost.

      I live in Oklahoma.

  3. I have Parkinson and would very much like to join in a class here in Hudson Fl. I am sure there would be many seniors who would love to participate but have no one to lead and set up the class.

    I would except I have no idea how to do tai chi.


  4. I have Parkinson a year or more ago the foundation offered classes in Spring Hills but I was informed that the classes were no longer available because of the lack of financial support. Can someone help to make available classes for PD sufferers? I am so tired of falling and it is my hope that Tai Chi will help with balance to prevent some of these falls. Like most seniors I have a very limited income.

    Hudson, Fl.

    1. Many communities offer Tai Chi for Better Balance which is an 8 step form; it is sponsored by the county health department and is offered free in our senior centers. Our public library also has a 24 step Tai Chi form that is free.

      You might check with your community and public facilities where you are.

      I have found that it has improved my balance and circulation.

      Good luck.

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