Make a mistake? You can repair your reputation

By Anita Bruzzese, Gannett

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Some spectacular falls from grace have occurred in the public arena — people with reputations that were once sterling trashed like an old banana peel when their misconduct is revealed.

Some of those reputations have been recovered.

For example, Wall Street superstar Michael Milken served time in jail for securities law violations and was widely derided for being greedy. Since then, he's focused his life on philanthropic work and dedication to worthwhile causes.

Terry R. Bacon, a leadership guru, says Milken was able to salvage and rebuild his reputation. But doing such a thing isn't always easy, no matter your status in the workplace. A reputation takes time to build and losing it can cause real damage to future career success.

That's why he says it's critical that workers work hard all the time to cultivate and protect their reputations.

"People with good reputations are three times more likely to be influential than those with lesser reputations," Bacon says. "Your reputation is one of the most important power sources you have."

Bacon, author of The Elements of Power, (Amacom, $27.95), says that while most people in your company or on your team won't speak out if you do something wrong, you can bet your reputation will begin to suffer. Some key indicators that your reputation is taking a beating might be when you're not included in key decisions or meetings, you're not recognized for your efforts, or you become isolated or ostracized.

"It's not always the end of the line for you because depending on what you did, the impact on your reputation can be severe to slight," he says. "The main thing is that you won't be viewed the same way."

Anyone with a damaged reputation for any reason needs to take steps immediately to restore it with others, Bacon says. He suggests the person can do the following:

• Make an apology. For example, a boss who yells at an innocent employee in front of others will be seen as a jerk and needs to make sure he salvages his reputation by apologizing to that employee as soon as possible in front of those who witnessed his poor behavior.

"Damage to a reputation is like a rock thrown in the water. The ripples just keep going. So the quicker you can stop those ripples, the better. The longer you give people to levy judgment against you, the worse it will be," he says.

• Ask for understanding. A boss who yells for no reason at an employee should not make excuses to others but explain what happened, Bacon says.

He suggests the boss can say, "I had a really bad night, and while this isn't an excuse, I ask you to understand."

• Never try to deny it. "Deniers are never believed," Bacon says. "You can offer all the justification in the world for an error you have made, but deniers are never readily forgiven. It just lands them in even hotter water."

• Never repeat the error. If a boss who yells at an employee does it again in another month, that boss is never likely to be forgiven.

The reputation of being a jerk is solidified.

• Seek redemption. Depending on the mistake, a person can try to recover from it by doing good works, such as Milken has.

A boss who berates a worker could inform others he or she is taking anger-management classes and working with young people who have the same problem.

One interesting thing about reputations is that they're often viewed differently throughout the world and that can affect your career in other countries.

While President Bill Clinton's scandal involving White House intern Monica Lewinsky was considered "egregious" in the United States, people in France "thought it was amazing that we would worry so much about it," Bacon says.

In another example, Bacon says that although Americans are urged to promote themselves to potential employers by highlighting their skills and accomplishments in an interview, such a practice may not go over well in Australia.

"In Australia, it's all about being one of the mates — you'll receive their disdain if you hold yourself above others," Bacon says.

Anita Bruzzese is author of "45 Things You Do That Drive Your Boss Crazy ... and How to Avoid Them," Click here for an index of On the Job columns. Write to her in care of Gannett ContentOne, 7950 Jones Branch Drive, McLean, VA 22107. For a reply, include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

