Stand Out In A Crowd
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Stand Out In A Crowd

How To: Stand Out At A Party

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Talk the talk

With a variety of people comes a wide array of conversations. Stay abreast of current events, sports news and entertainment gossip. Be versatile; you don't want to be that guy who's always talking about the same thing. Avoid topics that people are generally passionate about, such as politics and religion. Many a party has been ruined by these divisive conversations.

Remain your urbane self and talk about subjects like the ongoing merrymaking and the beautiful surroundings. And ask questions. Most people's favorite topic is themselves. Encourage them to talk about themselves and they will remember you as someone who genuinely cares.

Even better, make like Jerry Seinfeld and crack up the house. Not only is humor a great icebreaker, but it will also have folks hanging on your every word. Learn some jokes, especially those that can easily be introduced into a conversation, and pepper your discussions with them. Everybody loves a funny man. Be outrageous if you must, but try to keep an eye on the laugh-o-meter. If your broad comedy isn't sitting well with your crowd, move on to something subtler.

While alcohol can loosen you up and facilitate your comedic skills and conversational aptitude, too much can brand you a fool. Again, you can stick out like the proverbial sore thumb if you don't watch yourself. I'm sure Mr. Walker and Mr. Smirnoff are good friends, but try mingling with Mr. Fruit Punch for a change.

Look the part

Everyone takes notice of an elegant man; trendsetters rarely go undetected. A well-tailored sports coat or stylish European wingtips can go a long way when it comes to attracting attention. Dressing up like a clown will also make you stand out; it all depends on the image you want to project.

A last resort

If all else has failed in the past, you can always turn to the oldest trick in the book and show up with a gorgeous woman on your arm. Sure, your date will harvest most of the stares, but they'll be accompanied by whispers directed at you, wondering what kind of god you must be praying to in order to be rewarded with such a stunning creature. Hey, it doesn't matter how you do it, just as long as it works, right?

be the life of the party

In short, the best way to get noticed and stand out in a crowd is to be the best man you can be. Watch your appearance, fine-tune your social skills and let the party begin.