
Modified warrior pose: prenatal yoga video

0:40 min

This video shows you how to do the modified warrior pose in pregnancy. Remember to always do yoga under the supervision of an expert. The expert will ensure you are doing the right movements and don't injure yourself. Always consult your doctor before starting any fitness programme to be sure you are ready for it.

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This exercise can be done in your second and third trimesters.

Remember to always listen to your body. Never force yourself into a pose and stop immediately if you feel tired, strained or in pain.Don't do the modified warrior pose if you have high blood pressure.

Hormone changes and the increasing weight of your bump puts a strain on your pelvic floor. To support and strengthen it, draw up you pelvic floor muscles when moving into or out of standing poses.

Your centre of gravity changes as your pregnancy progresses. If you feel clumsy or out of balance, do this exercise against a wall for support. Also have a chair within reach to hold onto if you lose your balance or for help when getting back up into the standing position.

This yoga exercise can help:

  • stretch the groin area
  • strengthen the body and back muscles
  • increase your stamina and flexibility
  • relieve backache

Reviewed by Monica Tyagi, Yoga Acharya.

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