How to Paint Wicker Furniture for a Colorful Refresh

Give your old wicker pieces a new look with a fresh coat of color. We'll show you how to do it in just four simple steps.

Project Overview
  • Working Time: 2 hours
  • Total Time: 1 day
  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • Estimated Cost: $15-25

In addition to bringing beautiful texture to your porch or patio, wicker furniture is highly practical, lightweight, and durable enough to last for years, even when exposed to the elements. But if the woven material is starting to look worn and faded, or the color simply doesn't match the rest of your outdoor decor, it's easy to revamp wicker furniture with a fresh coat of paint. The key is to thoroughly clean wicker furniture before you begin painting to ensure the new color adheres properly.

Spray painting wicker furniture is the best way to get a consistent finish, but this project can get messy, so do it outdoors when the weather forecast calls for a day or two of warm temperatures, calm winds, and no rain. When you're ready to get started, follow these simple steps.

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Drop cloth
  • Stiff bristle brush
  • Sponge


  • Liquid soap
  • Water
  • Liquid deglosser
  • Spray paint primer
  • Outdoor acrylic paint in a spray can


  1. Prepare your project area.

    Plan to paint your furniture outside on a clear, calm day. Lay down a drop cloth in the area where you're going to work. Be sure you're away from your house or other structures, as spray paint can drift.

  2. Clean the furniture.

    Use a stiff-bristled brush to gently clear away dust, dirt, cobwebs, and other debris. Next use a sponge and soapy water, then, following the manufacturer's instructions, use a deglosser to strip the wicker of its previous stain or paint finish. This prep work is important to ensure that the paint will adhere well to the surfaces. Allow the furniture to dry completely. If the pieces require extensive cleaning, allow them to dry overnight.

  3. Prime and paint wicker furniture.

    Apply a spray primer and let it dry before painting, or use an all-in-one outdoor spray paint that doesn't require priming. Holding the can about 8 to 10 inches away from the surface of your furniture, use gentle sweeping motions to get good coverage without causing drips. Be sure to spray from different angles to ensure all exposed surfaces of the wicker are painted.

  4. Let paint dry.

    Allow the painted wicker to dry for at least one hour. If the color is uneven or not bright enough, apply a second coat of paint. Once you've achieved the desired color, wait one to two days (check the paint can for exact recommendations) to allow the paint to cure fully before using the furniture.

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