Become a Student Activist
Many young people know that there is something wrong with the world, but they don't know how to start being active. Whether you care about peace, the environment, racism, sexism, heterosexism, economic justice, or another issue - you need tools to get started.

1. Find an Existing Group
Most universities and many high schools already have one or more activist groups. It is easier to join them, than to start your own. Ask around. At universities you can contact Student Activities or Campus Life. Often you can get a list of groups from a university website.
  • Find a Group (limited to this website)

  • 2. Start a Group
    If there is no activist group, if the group is too stuck in its ways, or if there is nobody working on the issue you care about, then you can start your own group!
  • Starting or Reviving a Group
  • A Comprehensive Activist Group Organizing Guide
  • A Shorter Organizing Guide

    3. Start a Campaign
    To make a difference, your group needs a campaign. Choose this carefully because a good campaign can lead to success, whereas a poor campaign can cause your group to stagnate.
  • How to Choose an Issue

    4. Join a Network
    Networks are critical for facilitating campaigns, producing materials, providing face to face meetings and skill trainings. Joining a network will strengthen your local group and prepare you to be an activist for the long run.
  • Find a Network (Choose the option that lets you only see networks)
  • Add Yourself to the Campus Activism Network
  • Add Your Group to the Campus Activism Network
  • How Networks Can Help You

    5. Meet Other Activists
    Meeting other activists in person is the best way to learn what they are doing, develop skills, be inspired, and to gain perspective on your own group's actions.
  • Activist Event Calendar