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Potato Curry

Potato Curry

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Recipes  /   potato curry
recipe for sag aloo (curried spinach and potatoes)

Sag Aloo (Curried Spinach And Potatoes)

Fresh spinach, potatoes, and onion curried in a rich spice mixture. Vegetarian Indian cooking at its best.

Method:   stovetop
Time:   under 30 minutes

recipe for dum aloo (potato curry)

Dum Aloo (Potato Curry)

Potatoes and onions are cooked in a warm-spiced curry sauce, Kashmiri-style. It can be served with naan or roti, or served over rice.

Method:   stovetop
Time:   1-2 hours

recipe for indian curry with potatoes, cauliflower, peas and chickpeas

Indian Curry With Potatoes, Cauliflower, Peas And Chickpeas

Made with onions, red bliss potatoes, garlic, ginger, serrano chiles, tomato paste, cauliflower, diced tomatoes, water, chickpeas

Method:   stovetop
Time:   30-60 minutes

recipe for slow cooker cauliflower and potato curry

Slow Cooker Cauliflower And Potato Curry

Made with water, tomatoes, potatoes, cauliflower, asafetida, turmeric, chili powder, cumin, salt, sugar

Method:   crock pot
Time:   over 5 hours

recipe for bangalore potato curry with peas

Bangalore Potato Curry With Peas

Made with butter, mustard seed, red pepper flakes, turmeric, cumin, green chili peppers, shallots, garlic, canned crushed tomatoes

Method:   stovetop
Time:   over 5 hours

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recipe for goan potato curry

Goan Potato Curry

Made with garlic, potato, mixed vegetables, tomatoes, capsicum, onions, coriander, cream, cashews, cinnamon

Method:   oven, stovetop
Time:   30-60 minutes

recipe for slow cooker potato curry

Slow Cooker Potato Curry

Made with fresh cilantro, lemon juice, water or vegetable or chicken stock, clarified butter or vegetable oil, new potatoes, onions, garlic, curry powder, salt, black...

Method:   stovetop, crock pot
Time:   over 5 hours

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