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Feeling Overconnected? 5 Reasons To Unplug From Technology After Work

Updated Aug 10, 2018, 09:22am EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

Technology sure has linked us up in ways we never imaged. We have the power to Skype with relatives across the country or world, and email colleagues and clients at 11 o’clock at night. But how many of our technological powers are actually beneficial? Some feel that many are not – particularly depending on the time of day – and that there are major psychological pitfalls to the constant connectivity that’s become a way of life. Some people are beginning to be aware of the perils of social media, the Internet, and our fixation on technological gadgets. And a few strong souls are even beginning to put limits on themselves regarding their technology use throughout the day.

As it turns out, restricting our use of our gadgets in the evening hours is probably a pretty smart move, and makes sense on a bunch of different levels. It may be time to take the workday back, at least in part, and when it comes to responding to a colleague at some ungodly hour, to just say “no.” Or at least, “I’ll get back to you during business hours.”

1. Stress Recovery

Researchers at Kansas State University have found that although we may resist it, we really do need down time after work to mentally recharge for the next day. "Competition in the workplace is getting fierce," researcher YoungAh Park said. "People may worry about job security, want to increase their salary or advance in their career, so they feel they have to be more dedicated to their work. They show that by being available outside of normal work hours through communication and information technologies."

But continuing to communicate with colleagues after hours not only creates stress, but it prevents your brain from relaxing and recouping from a long work day in preparation for the next. Park says that “If there are any unpleasant text messages or emails from work-related people -- such as a boss, co-worker, clients, customers or contractors -- you may be more likely to ruminate about work-related issues or worries…. When people are really under stress their psychological and physical resources are drained, so they are less likely to self-regulate hostile behaviors and provide sufficient support for their spouse." Park added that, "[i]f working couples don't recuperate from their job stress while at home they would be likely to fall into a spiral of lost resources."

Park recommends setting boundaries on your work communications outside work, and making colleagues aware of your after hours availability. Drawing a line between work and home life not only benefits you, but it may benefit your employer, too, since, you’ll be coming back to work the next day relaxed and recharged.

2. Multitasking Doesn’t Work

Toggling back and forth between emails, reports, and preparations for your kid’s school recital isn’t a smart thing to do whether you’re at work or at home. A new study shows that people who rate themselves as the best multitaskers are actually the worst at it when they’re put to the test; they also tend to be greater risk takers and are more impulsive overall. But people who multitask less, the study found, are actually the ones who are best at it. So it may be that multitasking is actually a sign that a person isn’t able to concentrate very well on a project, rather being than a deliberate choice of work habit.

We all know on some level that doing five things at once instead of focusing on one is not the best way. If you’re a parent, you know that composing an email on your phone and cooking dinner or playing with your kid at the same time doesn’t make you very good at any of the tasks you’re doing. So take a break when you’re home, and put the technology away till the next morning, or at least take enough of a break from it to enjoy a few peaceful evening hours at home.

3. Internet Use Disorder, Anyone?

The Internet may be the newest “substance” to be candidate for a mental health disorder, though it's still up for debate. There’s no denying it can feel addictive (who doesn’t get a feeling of satisfaction at being up-to-date on your friends’ Facebook posts or a little rush at the sight of a Twitter mention?). Last week, however, an article in suggested that the frequency with which people check their social media-providing gadgets is the just the right amount to get the brain’s addiction centers engaged, and highlighted a company devoted to helping people kick their tech addictions. (Not surprisingly, treatment comes with a hefty pricetag, and somewhat counterintuitively the website offers an online group to help its clients “Get Connected!” to others in the same boat).

Other studies have hinted at changes in the brains of people who are hooked on the Internet. Again, the issue of whether Internet addiction should be classified as a real mental health disorder is still being debated, but it’s looking like we’re moving in that direction. So, if you’re feeling the pull as many of us are, perhaps calling it quits for a few hours in the evening before your amusement becomes an obsession is a good idea. Certainly it’s worth giving a try before forking over the money for professional help.

4. Sleep and Other Psychological Problems

Beyond addiction, technology is linked to other types of mental health issues. Last year a Swedish study found that young people who used technology heavily had a pronounced risk for mental health problems like depression, stress, and sleep disorders. Other research has suggested that social media does not have its intended effect of drawing us together, rather it makes us lonely, jaded, jealous, or otherwise mentally unhealthy.

“Regularly using a computer late at night is associated not only with sleep disorders but also with stress and depressive symptoms in both men and women,” said author Sara Thomée. Additional research has found that the light put off by tablet computers itself may be linked to reduced melatonin levels after two hours of use: Since melatonin is known as the “sleep hormone,” reduced levels might have the effect of messing with your sleep. All of these triggers, social and physical, may have the net effect of taking a toll on our psychological well-being.

5. You’ll Be Less of an @$$

Another interesting study last year found that when people used cell phones they were less likely to be good to others, or to display "prosocial behavior," directly after (or as Time asked, “Is your cell phone making you a jerk?”). Specifically, the participants were less likely to welcome volunteer opportunities, and they were even less adept at solving word problems whose correct answers would provide money to charity. Oddly, this pattern was true even if the participants were simply asked to draw pictures of their phones or merely to think about using them.

The authors suggest that this may be because cell phones actually fulfill our natural need to feel connected to people, so, ironically, the effect is that we’re less likely to connect to others in earnest. As backwards as that sounds, there may be something to this logic, which points to the complex relationship between technology and psychology.

* * *

The bottom line is that we’d probably do well to give technology a rest when we’re able, especially after work. Instead of stealing glances at our phones when we’re in the company of our family and friends, maybe we should actually focus on the present company. At least setting aside a couple hours after work to disconnect from all our devices will probably do volumes for our mental health and the mental health of those around us. Are you ready to cut the cord – or have you done so already?

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