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5 Tips On Maintaining Social Contacts While In Career Transition

Updated Jul 8, 2012, 06:49pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

(Image credit: AFP/Getty Images via @daylife)

Recently, I had several members at my company celebrate their first year anniversary of working within their current job positions. The key word here is celebrate, especially noteworthy since they were all millennials. As fellow Forbes contributor J. Maureen Henderson pointed out in her post on whether loyalty was for losers or not, for the millennial generation a year in the exact same position is the equivalent of a decade on their watch. But the overall consensus rings true both in her column as well as within reality: if a millennial (or Gen-Y'er or Boomer) is happy at work and they know it, stay put.

I don't doubt I'll eventually see members of my team exit for a different position down the line. But leaving a job title gracefully in today's job market requires more than just a speedy resignation letter written during your lunch break and a box to clean out the desk with.

The real farewell is going to involve you and your Outlook inbox.

Few organizations allow you to keep your email address once you're out of the company for good and it's important to let everyone you communicate with, whether on a daily basis or not, know about this. Because all of those PR pros, social media gurus, reporters, affiliates, and assorted business minded folk are going to be pretty confused if they try to email you and the reply that bounces back says the email couldn't be delivered- the online equivalent of having fallen off of the face of the earth. And not everyone will think to immediately assume you're switching jobs either.

To avoid looking MIA with your connections while in the midst of a career transition, put these five tips to use.

1) Tie up loose connection ends

Once you're out of the company, you're out. Everything that is sent over to your account from there on you won't be allowed to view or control from mass newsletter subscriptions to personal messages. For those who use their company address for less than professional reasons, guess who gets to review whatever arrives on the daily? Hint: not you. Make sure early on to notify your contacts that you won't be the one receiving emails sent to that address in a quick and friendly note before your departure.

2) Gather 'round LinkedIn

To say with certainly that you'll stay with the next company you transition to for a long while is impossible to predict which is why we love LinkedIn as a hub spot for connecting. Mention in your moving on note to potential business contacts (not the customers of the current employer) that you're on the site and encourage they add you as a connection there. These connections will carry over no matter what job title you have and help maintain your business relationships for the future.

3) Remember- you don't have a right to own your corporate email

Neither do you own the company Facebook fan page, Twitter account, or assorted outside social media outlets affiliated with the business. As intellectual property, it remains within the company. There are arguments as to whether or not an employee generated account like Twitter can result in taking the followers on the way out, but if you used the business brand name to create the handle or URL, you're not likely to win that battle.

4) Legal to maintain a business contact, taking proprietary business info = not so much

Let's review that one more time, shall we?

Staying connected to a great contact- good!

Attempting to take customer lists or other internal company information- don't even think about it.

5) Prep your transition email in advance

Sometimes it's business protocol not to keep employees in the work facility once they've given in their two weeks notice so prep in advance to leave the moment you hand it in. You may be asked to go as soon as that afternoon in some cases. Create an Excel spreadsheet beforehand of your contacts and their information including email addresses, fax, work, and cell numbers, and company addresses. Be patient with making it (depending on how many people you work with it could take awhile) and be thorough with the most up to date information possible to ensure a smooth departure all around.