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What To Do When You Feel Discouraged as an Entrepreneur

Updated May 21, 2012, 06:16pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

Sometimes it’s hard not to get discouraged. Your to-do list is a mile long and despite how far you’ve come, you still have a long, long way to go. And even when you’re prepared for the path to be hard, it always feel more difficult than you thought it would. Plus there is always someone to compare yourself to that just makes you feel lousy. In addition to a serious self-pep talk (go me!), here are some other strategies that will help lift your spirits and put that spring back in your step.

Attune to what is working.

I see many high achievers being their own worst critics. So often, I see clients focusing on their limitations and failures as opposed to their strengths and successes.  I encourage my clients to acknowledge and tune into what is going well and positive developments.  It can be helpful to take time at end of each week and reflect on all the positive developments and wins.  So often, success and failure are a matter of perspective.  Cultivate a mindset where you see opportunity and progress.  It's a virtuous cycle!

-          Jennifer Bezoza, Executive Coach and Organizational Development Consultant

Take action – even a small one!

Discouragement is most often the result of a lack of forward motion in our businesses.  As a result, the quickest way out of discouragement is to take action.  Who is the next person you need to contact who might be able to refer you clients?  How long have you put off those revisions to your website? What skills do you need to learn or refine next in order to improve your business acumen?  Who might be the right person to help you do that?  Take the next important step and start checking off your to-do list, and you will soon find it easy to recommit to your own forward progression.  Forward motion is a reminder of what is possible, and every new action will bring new possibilities and reinvigorate your optimism and growth.

-          Elizabeth Cronise McLaughlin, CEO and Lead Executive Coach, ECM Executive Consulting

Be a better boss (to yourself).

It is easy to look over a week or a month and wonder what you’ve accomplished. This can lead to feeling lost and ineffective. Build a process of measuring success that is authentic and feels organic. Track your daily progress through writing and keeping do-to lists, record outcomes of every interaction, and report to yourself as you would to a boss. Finally, be a kind, but firm, boss - pat yourself on the back for a job well done and hold yourself accountable to do your work each day.

-          Jennifer Edwards is a change management consultant and founding partner at Edwards & Skybetter LLC.

Learn to replenish the well.

Governments have long had fishing quotas in place to prevent overfishing from depleting the seas of their natural resource. Farmers too, understand the necessity of crop rotation to prevent the soil being stripped of essential nutrients. The same holds true for us. We need to protect and replenish our own wellsprings of energy or the well may dry up. Sadly, the average American vacation is now down to a long weekend (compared to Australians who have over 3 weeks and Europeans with 4-5 weeks paid vacation). If you can't afford 4 weeks to go hiking in the Himalayas, just taking regular mini-breaks throughout the day can help. Engage in a 10 minute pause from whatever you are working on and do something completely different. Unplugging from technology – even if it's just for fifteen minutes at a time – can also be enormously liberating. Your own well of energy is your most precious natural resource. Learn to protect it.

-          Ann Mehl, Executive Coach and Founder Ann Mehl Enterprises

See that it happens to the best of us.

Pick up a biography about someone you admire and track how many times in their lifetime they felt discouraged, disappointed, upset, or lonely. Remember that is part of the human experience—especially when you’re taking risks.

-          Yael Sivi, Executive Coach and Psychotherapist, Co-Founder of Collaborative Coaching

Adelaide Lancaster is an entrepreneur, consultant, speaker and co-author of The Big Enough Company: Creating a business that works for you (Portfolio/Penguin). She is also the co-founder of In Good Company Workplaces, a first-of-its-kind community, learning center and co-working space for women entrepreneurs in New York City. She is also a contributor to The Huffington Post and a columnist for The Daily Muse. She lives in Philadelphia, PA with her husband and daughter. You can follow her on twitter here and here and on Facebook too.