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Leave Your Job - The Right Way

Updated Jul 29, 2013, 09:20am EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

I know several people over the last couple of months that have left their employer to take on new jobs or pursue start-up opportunities. Many of those left for better positions and more lucrative opportunities while others left to escape – bad supervisors, toxic work cultures, or stalled career paths.

If you are fortunate, you work with people you value and trust and have been mentored and supported over the course of your career. These are the colleagues and friends you want to stay connected to and they can often be a factor in the decision to stay in a certain job or with a certain employer. There are others, however, that are not so lucky. They often leave positions because of the people they work with.

Whichever situation you find yourself in it is important to recognize that how you leave your job is critical to your future success and should be treated thoughtfully. The world is small and social media makes it smaller every day.   I am often asked by students, alumni, friends, and colleagues about strategies to successfully navigate a job change. It was my own daughter, however, who beautifully handled her departure from a job she was deeply committed to that inspired me to write about this topic.

No matter why you choose to leave a job, there are some important things to keep in mind:

  1. Give as much notice as possible.  While typically only two weeks notice are expected, it’s doubtful that a replacement for your position can be found that quickly. It will greatly help your manager and colleagues - who will most likely be covering your work - if they can have as much time as feasible to plan for your departure.
  2. Offer to help find your replacement.  Network and share information about the position and company you’re leaving, recommend colleagues you have worked with that might be good candidates, or just offer to help in any way the organization may desire. Your ability to bring your intimate knowledge of the job to the replacement process could be extremely valuable.
  3. Meet with your manager regularly in order to share information, provide access to all documents, and provide updates and insights that could be helpful to continuity after you leave.
  4. Ask your manager to prioritize projects and assignments and try to accomplish as much as possible.  Since managers may be nervous about what your departure will mean to their own workload, their requests may seem unreasonable.  Always be clear that you will complete as much as possible, but set firm expectations on deliverables.
  5. Work until it’s time to go.  Even if you were the most stellar and beloved employee, if you are perceived as “checking out” early, that’s how you will be remembered.
  6. Don’t burn any bridges or “slam” anyone on the way out.  Even if you were overworked, promised a promotion or increased compensation that you didn’t receive, derive satisfaction from the fact that you are moving on and don’t make your frustration public.  You never know when one of these former co-workers or managers might be in a position to help you in the future.
  7. Be positive on social media platforms.  Post your job change on LinkedIn, update your status on Facebook and use Twitter to alert your followers to your new gig, but resist the temptation to “critique” your former employer or boss and strive to convey your excitement about your new responsibilities.
  8. Thank everyone. Send email thank you acknowledgements and offer examples of what you learned because of them suggesting that they had a part in your new-found success.
  9. Stay connected.  Many of the people you worked with will also be making career moves and may know of a great opportunity in the future.  Be sure to stay in touch and invite them to connect with you on LinkedIn and similar platforms.
  10. Stay above the fray and don’t engage in trash talk of any of your former colleagues.  Sometimes when you leave, your former boss or a few small-minded co-workers are envious or feel deserted and will attempt to “throw you under the bus” when you have left, especially when they can’t duplicate your level of work. They are probably nervous that they won’t be able to measure up and your departure will be quite noticeable, so they attempt to create a narrative that they feel protects them. This is unfortunate, but if you have a strong track record, have been productive, and followed the steps outlined above, it won’t be viewed as credible by anyone who matters.

Remember that you always learn something from all your work experiences. Put those experiences in context and “hit it out of the park” in your new job. When you do, make sure everyone in your network knows it!