TRAVEL TIPS: Packing List for a 1-Week Trip

9:00 AM

Hey guys! Today I wanted to do a travel-related post since you know I am frequently flying here and there for work. Before every trip I take I scour the internet to find a good list to remind myself of what I should pack, but it can be tricky to find a good one. That's why I decided to write my own handy guide which may hopefully be helpful for your next 1-week trip too. :)

Oreo says, "pack me too!"

The first thing to consider is luggage. Will you be using checked luggage or a simple carry-on? Carry-on luggage size requirements can vary per airline so be sure to check beforehand so your luggage will fit. My luggage here is from Tokidoki but I recommend something with 4 wheels and zip compartments inside.

I personally find packing cubes to be so helpful in neatly organizing my clothes and keeping items from getting lost so if you've never used them, I highly recommend buying a pack in various sizes! TIP: Roll your clothes to keep wrinkles away and save on space. 

There have been cuter packing cube options that have come out lately and I've found that having a variety of sizes and designs really helps to keep things organized. Here are a few options that I've been loving:

Once we have our luggage and cubes ready, we can start to pack for our 1-week trip!


Lets start with clothes:

  • 8 shirts (4 tanks, 4 tops)
  • 1 cardigan
  • 1 hoodie
  • 2 pants
  • 1 pair of shorts or skirt
  • 1 dress (if applicable)
  • socks (take the # of days you'll likely wear socks and add +1)
  • undies (take the # of days of your trip and add +1)
  • bras (2 everyday bras, 1 strapless if applicable)
  • pajamas
  • 1-3 outerwear (1 jacket, 1 blazer, 1 heavier coat if applicable)

Next, shoes:

  • 1 pair of everyday sandals or flats
  • 1 pair of nice heels
  • 1 pair of boots

Jewelry & accessories:

  • 1 wide scarf (doubles as a blanket on the plane)
  • earrings (studs and dangling earrings in gold & silver)
  • necklaces (dainty and statement options in gold & silver)
  • bracelets (lightweight basics in gold & silver)
  • rings (3 gold & 3 silver)
  • watch 


  • toothbrush & toothpaste
  • hairbrush
  • shampoo & conditioner
  • body wash
  • loofah
  • body lotion
  • face wash
  • facial lotion
  • eye cream
  • hand cream
  • antiperspirant
  • monthly "lady" items
  • curling iron or flat iron
  • heat protectant
  • hairspray
  • dry shampoo
  • hair elastics/bobby pins
  • nail file (disposable type recommended, glass/metal may be confiscated)


  • foundation
  • foundation primer
  • concealer
  • powder
  • eyeshadow primer
  • eyeshadow palette
  • blush
  • lipstick
  • lip gloss
  • lip balm
  • eyebrow powder/pencil
  • eyeliner
  • mascara
  • eyelash curler
  • false lashes & lash glue
  • travel brushes


  • headphones/ear buds
  • electronics (laptop, ipad, games, cell phone, etc.)
  • chargers
  • wallet & ID
  • keys
  • purse


Reminder: For bath & cosmetic liquids, you'll need a 1-quart clear container (or zip-lock bag) for carry-on items. Each liquid bottle must be in a 3.5oz container or less. Sample containers come in handy!

    Since I know a few of you may want more specific suggestions on products to take with you, I made this video showing 10 Must-Have beauty items that are my favorites for short trips. They seriously make my luggage lighter and my life easier!


    Urban Decay Naked Basics Palette

    Hope this was helpful for anyone going on a trip soon! Don't forget to Pin or bookmark this page for your next vacation so you don't miss out on bringing your toothbrush or pjs. ;)

    Readers, what is your best packing tip? What items do you always forget to pack? Let me know in the comments!

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    1. Such a cute suitcase Jen! I'd definitely love packing if I had the same ;)



    2. yes definitely roll the clothes! saves a lot of space. i travel a lot too and i always forget one thing


    3. I haven't been folding my clothes for the suitcases for a long time now! Thank whoever first shared the idea of rolling them to save space :).
      Also, thank you for sharing this! I'm always afraid I've forgotten something when I'm packing for trips.

      N H Y C♥

      1. My Dad told rolling is a U, S, Navy method.

    4. the bag looks so gorgeous! ♥

    5. Those packing cubes are so cute! I have a man-like dark blue one I got. But, admittedly, I used it for year long backpacking--not travelling with pretty clothes :)

    6. I love love your suitcase! :) I like to put my clothes in vacuum bag to save space (only if the place I will be staying has ironing facility). I rarely forget things as I list to do a checklist prior to traveling.

      1. Those save so much space! My mom swears by vacuum bags when she travels. :)

    7. Nice tips! I always roll my clothes too and oreo is adorable!

      atelier zozo

    8. For clothing, I agree with rolling! What I do is lay out a clean pillow case and lay all my clothes on top of each other and then roll it, Soooo much space saving!!!

    9. very useful...bookmark it for future use!

    10. i keep a few different types (snowboarding and international travel) of travel checklists in my evernote app. it even has checkboxes so you can check things off as you type!

      how many different combinations/looks have you created with the naked basics? or do you do the same look every day when you travel? i like to wear a different color look every day so i can't imagine travellng with something so basic!

      1. I do a lot of neutral looks day to day and it gets me anywhere from no-makeup makeup all the way to a smokey eye with a shimmery contrast (use highlight shimmery shade on the middle of the lid with black to contour). If you like using colors, I would recommend bringing something else in addition but it's so handy to have the basic matte crease, highlight, and black contour shade for any look. :)

    11. Great tips & list! I love making packing lists for travelling lol. so much that my friend will always ask me to help her make one when she has to go somewhere. My weirdest to-pack items are probably a spare rubber band and nail clipper. Somehow, someone will always get a broken nail from lugging the luggage around! lol. Thanks for sharing :) oh, & the tokidoki luggage is too cute!!

      1. OMG YES! Nail clippers and a nail file are so necessary! I've been caught with a hang nail before and it was the worst and super painful.

    12. Ooh great tips, thanks! I'm going to be traveling around Europe over the winter break and I want to travel light so I'll be keeping this post bookmarked :)

      And I love your suitcase btw. So cute!

    13. Yes! Such a great list! I'm constantly underpacking, which is something I rarely hear. I think it's because I forget so much stuff, and underestimate how many times people want to go out and meet me for dinner/coffee.

    14. Hi Jen, I like your makeup tutorials a lot. As a beginner, I really want to see a tutorial on the make up brushes. I'm having a hard time figuring out when to use which. I think this would be useful for many people like me. Thank you for sharing! Happy holidays!

    15. Thanks! This was so helpful, as I will be traveling this week. Love the packing cubes, too!

    16. Hey Jen!
      can you please make a tutorial on how to do make-up in 50 years ladies? Can you make a make-up tutorial on your mom, ant?
      Thank you

    17. Hi Jen! Your color whisperer reminded me of a question.
      I have a CW myself, in the shade Pin Up Peach. And it was great the first time I used it but I only had it on for an hour or two. But lately I've been wearing it for longer hours and I've noticed that the lip balm color starts concentrating on little cracks on my lips (like the vertical wrinkle-y lines we have on our lips. i don't know if that makes any sense to you or anyone else. lol.) Do you have any tips for these kind of problems?
      Ps. Love your videos and pics!! And Oreo is just adorable :3

    18. that jo malone nectarine blossom & honey.. smells SO good! :)

    19. Thank you for this list! It is making packing for this trip so easy!

    20. Thanks Jen, this is super helpful!

    21. Hi Jen! I'm a new subscriber but I have been following you since last year. You are so inspiring. By the way, does the NYX eyeliner dry fast and is waterproof? ;)

    22. Nice packing tips. How this idea came into your mind? Did you heard about Elle18 lip gloss?

    23. Such a cute bag. I have been constantly looking for such posts as I Have planned 1 week trip to San Francisco with private tours of San Francisco.

    24. Super Helpful! Thanks!

    25. Nail clippers and a tweezer (I hate the stray hair that drives me crazy!). Also hair ties & a hair band for washing my face.

    26. >D I was checking off the list until I got to the "beauty products" and I realized it wasn't for guys >D

