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If you happen to be staying in the penthouse suite at a Vegas hotel today, then by all means take National Bathtub Party Day literally and celebrate with friends and champagne in the massive jacuzzi tub. For everyone else, consider it an excuse to stay in, shut off your phone and sink into a luxurious soak. Josie Feria, director of The Lapis Spa at Fontainebleau, shares her tips for drawing the perfect bath at home.

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1) Test the waters. "Ideal water temperature for a warm bath is 92 degrees Fahrenheit. Be sure to use your wrist, not your hand, to test the water since your wrist is a better gauge of how the water will feel once your entire body is submerged."

2) Set the scene. "Bright bathroom lights tell your body its go-time, not bath time. Instead, light a few candles and place them around the room and on the edge of the tub. Visualization is also a great tool to enhance relaxation in the bath. Complimented by soothing music, visualization exercises can transport you to your own private Nirvana."

3) Add an oil. "Floral scents like lavender, jasmine, iris and rose can help to ease you into a relaxing state quicker. Add oils to the tub when the bath is halfway full—this will help them disperse evenly throughout the water."

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4) Stay hydrated. "Before getting into the tub, set a bowl of ice water and a washcloth next to you and use it as a cold compress on your forehead or the nape of your neck to help keep you refreshed throughout the bath time. I also grab a tall bottle of San Pellegrino and force myself to drink the whole thing to hydrate."

5) Don't ruin a great bath with a bad robe. "Nothing jolts you out of a Zen state like going from a warm, luxe bath to a threadbare robe—get a plush terrycloth robe or fluffy towels."

Headshot of Alexandra Tunell
Alexandra Tunell
Senior Beauty Editor
Alexandra Tunell is the Senior Digital Beauty Editor at Harper's BAZAAR, where she writes beauty features and covers industry news, health, fitness and wellness trends. She began her career in the Lucky beauty closet, then went on to work at Allure. When she's not testing the latest skin care treatments, the Los Angeles native is searching the city for the best Mexican food, binge-watching Bravo and escaping to the beach as often as possible.