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House Beautiful

1. Put out a welcome basket

Nothing makes guests feel more at home than a selection of treats and goodies. Fill up a basket with everything from travel-sized soaps to small snacks to munch on after you've gone to bed, and add in a few travel essentials: Stain sticks, medications for aches and pains, hair bands, and mini lint rollers—whatever you think your guests might need. Even better? Check in with your visitor ahead of time to get the lowdown on their favorite foods, and sneak a few into the basket as a personalized surprise.

2. Make an infosheet

There's no denying we live in the digital age, and chances are good the first things your guests will want to do—after catching up, of course—is plug in their phone and check their emails. Make this super easy by creating a packet ahead of time with all of the information they'll need, like your WiFi network name and password, instructions for controlling the heat (if you're allowing them access), and directions to any nearby restaurants or bars you think they'd enjoy.

3. Provide extra hangers and storage space

You might use your guest room closet for storage, but make sure there's room for your guests, too. Don't force your guests to live out of their suitcase: Clear out at least half of the closet, and leave plenty of open hangers so your guests can hang their clothes and jackets right away. Make sure some of the dresser drawers are available, too. Storage space all to themselves makes up the difference between "a place to stay" and "a home away from home."

4. Make sure there's a pitcher of water (and glasses!) by the bed

Waking up thirsty in the middle of the night is bad enough. It's even worse when you don't know where the cups are stored in the kitchen, and don't want to wake up your gracious host with your late-night footsteps. Leave out a water pitcher and glasses for your thirsty guests so they don't have to wander.

5. Add soft, low-key lighting

Your guests may want to stay up later than you do, but sometimes overhead lights are too bright for reading. Add low lighting to the room, ideally in the form of a table lamp by the bedside, so they can read or write before going to sleep. Not to mention: Soft lighting makes a room far cozier, so their stay will be so much more comfortable.

6. Set out a vase of fresh flowers

Fresh flowers brighten up any room. When your guests are settling into your guest room after a long day's travels, a beautiful vase full of bright, fresh flowers can be a more-than-welcome sight Know their favorite blooms? Even better. That's a great way to make your visitors feel like they're at home.

7. Make the bed (but not too much!)

Better to under-make the bed and leave lots of blankets and linens in the closet. Think of it like a salad: You might like your greens lightly-dressed, but others prefer them soaked. And while you might think the guest bed is toasty-warm, it may still be chilly to cold-blooded guests. Make sure to leave lots of extra bedding in the closet—that way, your visitors have full control over their overnight temperature.

8. Clear the surfaces

If you're quickly trying to revamp your guest room from storage or a home office to a comfortable space for cherished visitors, the easiest way to de-clutter is to clear the surfaces. Make sure the top of your nightstands and dressers are empty of all unnecessary items, so your guests have some room to unpack and relax.


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