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DIY Dip-dyed Ombre Shoes

We’ve had a lot of fun with dip-dyed DIYs so we decided to create these ombre shoes with teal dye and some slip-on sneakers we picked up! The look is fun, fresh, and bright – perfect to go with our spring outfits :). You can make them in your favorite color so match the season or style.


What You Need:

A pair of white sneakers
Vaseline or petroleum jelly
A toothbrush



DIY Ombre KedsDIY Ombre Keds


Step 1: Rub Vaseline on the outer rims of the shoe. This stops the dye from coloring the rubber bottom of the shoe.



DIY Ombre Keds

2. Pour your dye into a plastic container and mix with both hot water and a pinch of salt.


DIY Ombre Keds DIY Ombre Keds DIY Ombre Keds

3. Dip one or both of the sneakers into the dye mixture, soaking the complete front of the shoes. Repeat, dipping a slightly smaller amount of the shoe into the dye to create that ombre effect.


DIY Ombre Keds

4. Take a toothbrush or cloth and brush the dye on the shoes to spread the color. This makes the look less drastic.

5. Let the sneakers air dry until they are completely dry. Wear and enjoy!


DIY Ombre Keds DIY Ombre Keds

See more over on Momtastic!

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