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How to have a Snowball Fight

Jul 10, 2018

Having a snowball fight is fun, but if you set it up properly, it’s epic. Snowball fights are just like war and with the proper rules, you can make a snowball fight full of strategy. Here is Kidzworld’s guide on how to have a snowball fight.

Snow Safety

First let’s make sure that we have a safe snowball fight. The last thing you want in a good snowball fight is hard feelings between friends. Here are a few rules that will keep your snowball fight in check:

  • Have a “safety word” that anyone can call to stop the game in case someone is in trouble
  • Snowballs must be made only with snow. Adding things to a snowball is dangerous
  • Set boundaries
  • Set a time limit
  • Make sure the teams are fair

Home Base

Snow FortCourtesy of

A fort built out of snow is the most fun way to set up a snowball fight. But it takes time to build a useful fort, so take about one hour before the fight begins to build your fort. The best way to build forts quickly is the same way you would build a snowman. Roll the snow and combine all your large balls of snow. Once you have a sturdy wall of shelter, attach a flag to a stick and stand proud of your territory.

Stocking Up

While you’re building your fort, make sure to load up with ammunition. Make a huge pile of snowballs so that when the fight begins, you’re ready to attack and defend. A sneaky tactic is to hide some snowballs in a spot where you can surprise attack.



Ranks of WarCourtesy of

If you have teams of two or more people, organization is key. Assignments and job titles are a lot of fun and really good strategies:

  • Snipers
  • Mechanic (someone who makes snowballs and fixes the fort)
  • Captain
  • Snowtroopers (runners sent out to attack)

Waging War

Snowball FightCourtesy of

War has been declared to begin when the town clock strikes noon. Wait for the church bells to start ringing. Raise your flag and launch the first snowball high in the air to begin. However you attack and defend your fort is up to you, but the first team to capture the other team’s flag wins the game.

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