Wednesday, July 18

Burlap & Lace Ringbearer Pillow Tutorial

I made this super cute little ring bearer pillow for Baby B to carry in my brother-in-law's wedding. Never mind the fact that not only did he refuse to carry it, I ended up carrying HIM down the aisle. (For the record, he did GREAT in the rehearsal!)

 My new sister-in-law found all kinds of burlap & lace ring bearer pillows on etsy and asked me to make one up for Baby B based on her inspiration pictures. And let me tell you it was SO easy. And did I mention super cute?

So I thought I'd help you save a few dollars (or several! Some of these little guys were expensive!) by making one for yourself! I didn't take any pictures of the process, but I drew these awesome little sketches and didn't white balance the pictures at all. I know, I'm an artist in the making. On so many levels. Anyway, let's get down to business! My pillow was 9" square which was a really nice size for Baby B... if he had wanted to hold it.

What you need:
  • 2 - 10" squares of burlap
  • 1 - 10" piece of lace
  • a little polyfill or other stuffing material
  • 1 - 12" (ish) piece of twine
  • about 10 minutes of time
1. Start by making a little fabric sandwich of both pieces of burlap with the lace in between. I centered my lace to run across the middle of my pillow.

 2. Sew a 1/2" seam allowance around the edge of your sandwich, leaving an opening of 2-3" on one side for turning.

 3. Flip it right side out and stuff it. I used regular polyfill but you could probably stuff it with just about anything. ;)

4. Top stitch all around the edge about 1/4" in. When you get to the hole, be sure to tuck the raw edges in! (I hadn't planned to top stitch it, but this was my first time using burlap and I was afraid it would fray and come apart at the seams. It was a bonus that it turned out super cute that way!)

5. Hand stitch a piece of twine in the middle of the lace and tie it in a bow. All done!

You could make so many fun variations of this, too! Maybe use a thicker or thinner lace, or place the lace off center or on a diagonal, use two strips of lace, use a ribbon instead, make a rectangular pillow.... Use your imagination and have fun!

Project Cost:
$0.25 - burlap from a yard sale
$0.75 - 12" of lace from Joann Fabric
free - twine I already owned
free - polyfil I already owned
Total: $1.00

Although Baby B was determined not to bear those rings under any circumstances, he was cute as could be! I think it was an unfortunate combination of lack of sleep and sweltering heat that did him in. A few minutes into the wedding we retreated to the nursery in the (much cooler) basement where he stripped down to his diaper and had a wonderful time exploring all the toys. But they did manage to get a few pics of him in full wedding garb before the meltdown:

photo by Raechel Myers

photo by Raechel Myers

Isn't he so handsome? And he appears to be taking his responsibility very seriously. Psych! Oh well. He won enough cuteness points to override anything else. :)


  1. Thanks Georgia! I'm making this for my daughter's wedding in September. Great tutorial!

    1. You're welcome! I hope she loved it! :)

