TikToker Offers Rules for Visiting Newborns and People Are Loving It

Repeat after us: Her baby, her rules. One mama-to-be is preparing to keep her baby safe with some practical boundaries.

Parent introducing new baby to grandparent

One soon-to-be new parent has the confidence of a veteran parent, and she's showing that on TikTok. Maisie Crompton, a 20-year-old expecting mama, posted eight ground rules for meeting her baby, and the post has since gone viral.

Crompton wanted to let everyone know these rules now, while that little bundle of joy was still in her belly, and before people could start kissing her. Because kissing the baby is off limits.

"Very obvious…don't kiss [her] anywhere please," Crompton said when explaining her rules.

This rule may seem harsh—babies have the most irresistible cheeks—but Crompton wants to keep her daughter safe. People can pass germs and viruses, including herpes and RSV, to your days-old baby by smooching them.

Crompton knows people are eager to see the new addition (and maybe shower the new family with some pre-cooked meals or offers to do laundry). But she asks that you call or text first.

"No unannounced visitors because I really don't think I'm going to be up for socializing after a baby has literally just come out of me," Crompton explained in her post.

Whether Crompton lets you come over or not, she's requesting you keep the baby's arrival on the down-low until she posts it on social media. She wants to tell people first. On that note, Crompton is asking friends and family to refrain from posting photos of the baby until she and her partner do.

Back to germs. "Do not come if you're sick," she instructed people. "I don't care if it's just, like, a small cough or you have had it for ages. I really don't care. Just don't come if you're sick."

In other words, if you're trying to figure out if those sniffles are allergies or COVID-19, just stop. You can see the baby when said sniffles are gone.

Even if you're feeling like you're in the best of health, Crompton will ask all guests to wash their hands before touching her little one.

"[Her] immune system isn't going to be the best, and you've probably touched loads of stuff," Crompton reminds people.

Moving on. If you've been MIA throughout her pregnancy, don't expect to catch a glimpse of the baby anytime soon. And if you do get to come over, Crompton and the baby's father want their baby back if she starts crying.

"I do not want to watch my baby cry from a distance," Crompton said.

If you think these rules sound way extra, you may be the only one. The commenters were totally on board with Crompton's rules. In fact, one TikToker suggested not even calling them rules.

"Call them boundaries. I think more people accept boundaries than rules," wrote the user, Hayley.

Many people thought these rules (or boundaries) should be standard.

"If people are upset by this list, then they don't deserve to be near you or your baby. This is perfectly reasonable and should be the norm anyway," commented Melanie Allman.

"I can't believe these things aren't common sense/courtesy for people. Who doesn't give back a crying baby or turns up at someone's house? Madness!" replied Gilbert's Gilbert.

And others would be glad to follow them and appreciate Crompton setting expectations early.

"Honestly, as a visiting guest, I would feel so much more comfortable being handed this list, so I can make sure I'm making the mum most comfortable," replied a user who goes by "P."

Not everyone has Crompton's confidence, but experts share it's important to set boundaries. If a partner or co-parent is in the picture, be sure that the two of you are on the same page so you can establish a united front with family and friends. Try to remain poised but firm if someone pushes a boundary, but stand your ground. You'll gain confidence with time. Remember: Your baby, your rules.

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