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Replace Your Car Stereo in 7 Steps

Time to upgrade that old CD player that came with your car? A new car stereo the easiest way to drop high-tech functionality into almost any auto. Here's how to swap in a new unit.
By Ben Wojdyla

Time to upgrade that old CD player that came with your car? A new car stereo the easiest way to drop high-tech functionality into almost any auto. Here's how to swap in a new unit.


Replace Your Car Stereo in 7 Steps

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A blank space in the dash and a bunch of loose wires are enough to significantly upgrade the kinds of things your car can do.
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Slide removal tools into the slots on the radio's face.
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Connect the car's wiring to the adapter harness.
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Plug in the output converter if one is needed to make the new radio work with the car's other components.
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An antenna adapter might be required to convert a female to a male end.
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Tuck all the wiring into the console to keep your work area from getting too crazy.
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Plug in the radio's wiring harness and power up the head unit. Test and confirm full functionality before finishing the install.
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Slide the radio into the frame until the latches click. Install a faceplate adapter if needed and reapply any trim that came off.
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