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  • Trim shrubs and bushes and use outdoor lighting to eliminate places where a prowler could hide.
  • Doors should have peepholes at a height that everyone can use.
  • If someone comes to your door and claims to be a government or utility official, ask for a name and a badge so that you can call the agency to confirm the person’s identity. If you cannot verify someone’s identity at your front door, call 911 immediately.
  • Residents need to be wary of anyone offering repairs or contract work door-to-door. A quick way to verify whether a company is legitimate is to ask to see a copy of their operating license and call the company.
  • If someone claims they need to use your phone, offer to make the call yourself instead.
  • Leave spare keys with a trusted neighbor, not under a doormat or planter or other obvious hiding place.
  • Lock exterior doors at night and everytime you leave the house, even if it’s just for a few minutes.
  • Keep outdoor lights on in the evening — whether or not someone is home.
  • Windows should be locked at all times, even when opened a few inches for ventilation.
  • Use a dowel or pin to secure sliding glass doors.
  • Lock gates, garage doors, and shed doors after every use.
  • Lock grills, lawn mowers, bicycles and other valuables in a garage or shed, or cover them with a top and securely lock them to a stationary object.
  • Do not leave tools outside, where they could be used to break into your house.
  • Use timers to turns lights and televisions on and off when you are not home.
  • If you are away for an extended time, stop mail and newspaper deliveries, and ask a neighbor to remove any fliers that might be placed on your door.
  • Keep valuables in a floor or wall safe. When installing a safe, avoid obvious locations such as the master bedroom closet.
  • Complete a home inventory like this one. If your valuables or credit cards are lost or stolen, you will have serial numbers and phone numbers handy.

Sources: National Crime Prevention Council; Broward County Sheriff’s Office, Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office.