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Valentine's Day is the biggest day of the year for the flower industry, and roses are the most popular gift bouquet choice, taking up more than half of floral sales every February 14. If your sweetheart surprised you with a bouquet of roses, follow these tips for keeping them bright and beautiful long after the lovers holiday.

1. Hang the roses upside down before they become so wilted that the petals begin to fall. Let the roses dry, and then use them for dried arrangements or simply keep them for sentimental reasons.

2. Remove the rose petals before drying to create potpourri. Lay the petals in a single layer on paper towels or a drying screen, if you have one.

3. Use silica gel to preserve your roses if shape and color is important to you. Submerse the blooms in the silica, which can be bought at most craft shops. Note that the silica will remove the scent of the roses.

4. Freeze-dry your roses. Many professional agencies will take your flowers and remove the moisture from them using a cold vacuum chamber. This leaves your roses' beauty and scent nearly intact, but it can be expensive.

5. Wilted roses may be brought back to life by sticking the ends of their stems into boiling water for about 30 seconds. Then, cut the end of the stems off and place the roses in cool water.

6. Soak your roses with glycerine if you prefer to keep them supple and fragrant. Glycerine can be bought at craft stores or pharmacies.

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