
(redirected from Slapstick comedy)
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a. comedy characterized by horseplay and physical action
b. (as modifier): slapstick humour
2. a flexible pair of paddles bound together at one end, formerly used in pantomime to strike a blow to a person with a loud clapping sound but without injury
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



in the circus, theater, and motion pictures and on the variety stage, a highly comic method of portraying life. Slapstick involves behavior that is illogical and departs radically from generally accepted norms. It may include the bizarre use of props, for example, the playing of musical works on saws, frying pans, or brooms with strings stretched over them and with a resonator made from an ox bladder.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Don't miss this funny and fast paced action slapstick comedy.
Peeko and Sirk: Father-and-daughter slapstick comedy duo.
Slapstick comedy entertainer that manages to evoke a few laughs.
The show is fast-moving, and allows plenty of room for physical, slapstick comedy as the gangsters fight among themselves.
Epic drama, with a dash of slapstick comedy, sport at its very best.
THE FAIRY (LA FEE) (Cert PG, 90 mins) DOMINIQUE Abel, Fiona Gordon and Bruno Romy direct and star in this slapstick comedy which delighted audiences at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival.
Slapstick comedy and swearing is going to be a good light-hearted end to Boxing Day, so sit back and enjoy.
Always game for some slapstick comedy, Hanks finished the interview with a set-piece about cartoon whales swimming in the backdrop of the stage that eventually saw the Academy Award winner covered in water.
In my opinion Norman was at that time the king of slapstick comedy. Although he played a gormless fool to perfection, people love an underdog and he usually came out on top in the end.
BERLIN: Ben Stiller ditches the slapstick comedy and gets more serious in "Greenberg," a low budget drama about a man in mid-life crisis struggling to deal with painful truths about himself and his failures.
The actress was last seen in the slapstick comedy De Dana Dan ( DDD ) and the thriller Race .