The Mackerras/Telarc Pirates (1993)

Major-General Stanley Richard Suart
Pirate King Donald Adams
Samuel Nicholas Folwell
Frederic John Mark Ainsley
Sergeant of Police Richard Van Allan
Mabel Rebecca Evans
Edith Julie Gossage
Kate Jenevora Williams
Ruth Gillian Knight

Orchestra & Chorus of the
Welsh National Opera
Conductor: Sir Charles Mackerras

Telarc CD-80353
Telarc CD-80353

This was the second entry in Sir Charles Mackerras's traversal of the Savoy canon. Like his Mikado, It is anchored with G&S veterans (Donald Adams, Richard Suart and Gillian Knight), with grand opera singers in the remaining roles. As with his Mikado, the overture is omitted, allowing the opera to fit on a single disc. The musical values are superb, making this an excellent choice for the budget-conscious.

Issue History
Date Label Format Number Comments
1993 Telarc CD CD-80353  
Cassette CS-30353
1999 Telarc CD 80500 All five of the Mackerras/Telarc recordings in one package