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Last Updated: Wednesday, 10 November, 2004, 17:37 GMT
£1m betting shop jackpot claimed
Horse racing
The man picked six winners from six races to claim his prize
A punter known only as "Ken" has claimed a jackpot of more than £1m at a betting shop in Greater Manchester.

The man won £1,132,657 after gambling £480 on the Tote Scoop 6 at Betfred bookmakers in Salford.

He placed the bet last Saturday but only came forward on Wednesday afternoon when he registered for this Saturday's bonus race.

The bookmaker had put out appeals for the man to come forward, who had to claim by Thursday or lose his winnings.

'Took his time'

Punters have to choose six winning horses from six races to win the Scoop 6 and, if he wins this bet, Ken will make a further £754,452.

Betfred spokesman Tom Lee said they believed the man was the UK's first ever betting shop millionaire.

"He did not come forward to claim his prize until today when he registered for the bonus race."

Tote spokesman Paul Petrie said: "If you win the Scoop 6 you get the chance to go for the bonus race the following week, but you have to register by 1800 GMT on Thursday.

"He took his time to contact us but he has done and is now registered.

"All he has to do is pick a horse. If he doesn't win, he still gets his £1 million, and if he does, he could win a further £750,000."

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