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Last Updated: Wednesday, 11 July 2007, 12:27 GMT 13:27 UK
BBC One gets extra news bulletin
Natasha Kaplinsky
Newsreader Natasha Kaplinsky took part in a trial for the new bulletin
BBC One is to launch a new nightly news bulletin to bridge the gap between the Six and 10 O'Clock News programmes.

The short summary will go out on weekdays at 8pm. A presenter has not yet been named but Natasha Kaplinsky took part in a trial in the Midlands.

It will be the first BBC bulletin to be introduced since the Six O'Clock News began in 1984.

Channel controller Peter Fincham said he was "keen to bring younger audiences to the news".

He said one of the consequences of moving the 9 O'Clock News to an hour later in 2000 was that there was a large gap between bulletins.

'Right thing'

"From six o'clock to 10 o'clock is rather a long time not to tell the viewers of BBC One what's going on in the news," he said.

Mr Fincham added: "It will appeal to the younger audience, but I don't want to obsess about that.

'The Editors' logo
The trial bulletins were clearly from the BBC, but with some key differences
Craig Oliver, BBC News

"I'm keen to bring younger audiences to the news. So I think it's the right thing to do for the news."

The bulletin will join other current affairs shows such as Panorama and The One Show, which have recently been installed in prime time.

In the trial, the bulletins lasted between 60 and 90 seconds and featured national and local news and weather.

Digital channel BBC Three has been running regular 60-second news bulletins since it launched in 2003.

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