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Last Updated: Tuesday, 21 September, 2004, 14:46 GMT 15:46 UK
CCTV mast destroyed by vandals
CCTV mast on the Cae Fardre estate
The estate has several cameras watching over it
A £40,000 closed circuit TV mast and cameras have been torn down and burned by vandals on a south Wales estate.

Firefighters discovered the burning mast, which monitored Springfield Court on the Cae Fardre estate in Church Village near Pontypridd.

The cameras, which had stopped recording after being shot at, were also destroyed.

Replacement cameras are to be installed at the site with three more planned on the estate.

Local councillor Graham Stacey said that the lives people living on the estate were being made a misery by a handful of individuals.

"Some louts just decided to have a go at the cameras and pulled it down and set it alight," he said,

A vandalised street sign on the estate
Police say a 'small minority' were causing the problems

"When the fire service got there, people were partying and drinking in the street celebrating that the camera had been destroyed.

"And of course no-one had seen anything as usual!"

Mr Stacey said that many people living on the estate were annoyed with the small minority causing anti-social problems.

"People are fed up with it all. There are a lot of lovely people on the estate but these louts are making the site unstable.

"People are disgusted at what has happened and there is a feeling of vulnerability on the estate again since the camera was pulled down.

"But we are not going to let them beat us. We have ordered a replacement camera and another three cameras are going to be installed," he added.

Springfield Court, Cae Fardre estate
The mast was on the roundabout in Springfield Court on the estate

Chief Inspector Ian Bellshaw from South Wales Police said that the incident was being investigated.

"It is a small minority who are causing problems on the estate," he said.

"We attended after the fire service had been called.

"The cameras are there to prevent people being anti-social after it was felt some time ago that there was a need for them.

"The inquiry into this incident is still open," he added.

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