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Last Updated: Thursday, 15 April, 2004, 09:39 GMT 10:39 UK
Judge throws out Houston lawsuit
Whitney Houston
Whitney Houston spent time in a drugs clinic last month
A $100m (£55.6m) lawsuit filed against Whitney Houston by her late father has been dismissed by a New Jersey court.

The lawsuit for alleged breach of contract was brought by John Houston Entertainment, the company he founded.

Mr Houston, who died in 2003, had claimed his daughter failed to pay his company for representing her interests.

But Superior Court Judge Francine Schott dismissed the lawsuit after the firm's current owner refused to provide information to the star's lawyer.

Mr Houston, who died in February 2003, filed the lawsuit in September 2002 in Essex County, New Jersey.

Drug charges

The lawsuit said the singer was in financial trouble and facing marijuana possession charges in Hawaii until her father's company stepped in.

Kevin Skinner, who says he is the current owner of John Houston Entertainment, continued the lawsuit after Mr Houston's death. But Bryan Blaney, Whitney Houston's attorney, said Mr Skinner refused to sit for a deposition.

Mr Blaney also questioned whether Mr Skinner was Mr Houston's business partner as he would not provide documents to prove his claims or demonstrate he had legal standing to continue the lawsuit.

He also told the court that John Houston Entertainment was no longer a viable business.

Houston admitted to drugs clinic
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