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Last Updated: Monday, 8 November, 2004, 01:55 GMT
London reveals Olympic Park plans
An aerial view of London's planned Olympic Park for 2012

London has unveiled a futuristic vision of how the Olympics will look if it is chosen to host them in 2012.

A 500-acre Olympic Park in east London will include a main stadium with a roof designed to wrap itself around the venue like muscles supporting the body.

Bid chairman Lord Coe said: "Our stadium will provide the best natural conditions for the world's athletes."

London will submit its official bid document for the Games on the deadline date of Monday 15 November.

The 500-acre main site will also contain an aquatics centre, velodrome, three sports arenas, a hockey centre, media facilities and the Olympic Village, in which 17,800 athletes and officials will be housed.

"We aim to end up with the best collection of sports facilities in Europe, maybe anywhere in the world," added Coe.

The inspiration for the main stadium is the human form, with the roof wrapping itself "in a similar way that muscles support and represent the human body", according to those behind the project.

The Olympic Stadium

Chief designer Alejandro Zaero-Pollo, of Foreign Office Architects, added: "We're trying to make the building communicate physical strength, sport and movement.

"We are not creating another Olympic Village that is just a series of nice, white, modern buildings on a flat land... but something that will grow out of the specific conditions and form of the Lea Valley, making it totally unique."

The English capital faces competition from Paris, Madrid, New York and Moscow to host the Games in eight years time.

But former Olympic gold medallist Daley Thompson admitted he was excited by London's proposal.

Thompson said: "From a competitor's point of view, to be able to be in the village and see the main stadium as well as the Olympic flame makes it so much more inspiring and real."

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08 Nov 04 |  Olympics 2012

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