Pacific Science 01 (1947)

Pacific Science 1, no. 1

The History, Present Distribution, and Abundance of Sandalwood on Oahu, Hawaiian Islands. Hawaiian Plant Studies 14
Harold St. John, 5-20

The Tsunami of April 1, 1946, in the Hawaiian Islands
G. A. MacDonald, F. P. Shepard, and D. C. Cox, 21-37

The tsunami which struck the shores of the Hawaiian Islands on the morning of April 1, 1946, was the most destructive, and one of the most violent, in the history of the Islands. More than 150 persons were killed principally by drowning, and at least 161 others were injured. Property damage reached about $25,000,000. The wave attack on Hawaiian shores was far from uniform. The height and violence of the waves at adjacent points varied greatly, and not always in the manner which would have been expected from superficial inspection and a study of the existing literature on tsunamis. Therefore, a detailed study of the effects of the tsunami has been made, in an effort to understand the observed variations and in the hope that the principles established may help lessen the loss of life and property in future tsunamis. Space is not available in the present short paper to discuss findings in detail, or even to present all the evidence for all the conclusions. These matters will be treated in detail in a longer paper (Shepard, Cox, and Macdonald, in preparation).

Dolomitization in Semi-arid Hawaiian Soils
G. Donald Sherman, Yoshinori Kanehiro, and Charles K. Fujimoto, 38-44

Notes on the Red-billed Leiothrix in Hawaii
Harvey I. Fisher and Paul H. Baldwin, 45-51

NOTE: Recommendations of Pacific Science Conference, National Research Council

NOTE: Micronesian Expedition of University of Hawaii, Summer of 1946

NOTE: Survey of Micronesia by U. S. Commercial Company, 1946

Pacific Science 1, no. 2

Parasites and Parasitic Diseases of Domestic Animals in the Hawaiian Islands
Joseph E. Alicata, 69-84

Fault at Waimea, Oahu
Harold S. Palmer, 85-91

Fungi of the Marshall Islands, Central Pacific Ocean
Donald P. Rogers, 92-107

A Chloride and Oxygen Analysis Kit for Pond Waters
R. B. Dean and R. L. Hawley, 108-115

A New Species of Carex (Cyperaceae) from Fiji
Harold St. John, 116-118

NOTE: Facilities for Research in the Natural Sciences in the Hawaiian Islands

Pacific Science 1, no. 3

Utinomi’s Bibliographica Micronesica: Chordate Sections
Harvey I. Fisher, 129-150

Arsenic Toxicity Studies in Soil and in Culture Solution
Harry F. Clements and Jerome Munson, 151-171

The problem of arsenic accumulation in soils is one of comparatively recent importance. As agriculture became more intensive, it became necessary to use poisons to combat attacks of certain insects, fungi, and more recently, weeds. Because arsenic is very poisonous to plant enemies and because it is comparatively cheap, it was only natural that it should have found general use. The arsenic so used has for the most part accumulated in the upper soil layers, and sooner or later becomes a menace to crop production. This paper is concerned with this problem particularly with reference to Hawaiian soils.

Factors in the Behavior of Ground Water in a Ghyben-Herzberg System
Chester K. Wentworth, 172-184

Travel Times of Seismic Sea Waves to Honolulu
Bernard D. Zetler, 185-188

NOTE: New Botanical Bibliography of Pacific Islands by E. D. Merrill
NOTE: Scientists and the Fortieth Anniversary of the University of Hawaii

Pacific Science 1, no. 4

Brackish-Water Algae from the Hawaiian Islands
Isabella A. Abbott, 193-214

Cycles in Rainfall and Validity in Prediction of Rainfall in Hawaii
Chester K. Wentworth, 215-220

The Little Hearts (Corculum) of the Pacific and Indian Oceans
Paul Bartsch, 221-226

The Skeletons of Recent and Fossil Gymnogyps
Harvey I. Fisher, 227-236

The Mechanics of the Explosive Eruption of Kilauea in 1924
R. H. Finch, 237-240

Ghost Prawns (Sub-Family Luciferinae) in Hawaii
Robert W. Hiatt, 241-242

A Manilkara Found on Oahu, Hawaii
Marie C. Neal, 243-244

NOTE: Opportunities for Financing of Research in the Pacific Under the Fulbright Act

NOTE: Editor’s Comments

COMMENT FROM READERS has been aroused by the section from Utinomi’s bibliography on Micronesia printed in the July issue. Favorable remarks have been made concerning the value of these items to scientists now becoming interested in these new American island possessions in the Pacific. Readers have likewise raised the question, “How was it possible to print both Japanese and European languages side by side in the journal?” …
Frankly, the task of reproducing all these characters on the printed page was an exacting typographic problem, which could not have been solved without the energetic aid of the printers. The services of two composing shops were needed, one to set up the Japanese and Chinese ideographs, and one to set up the translations and other passages in roman characters. A reproduction proof of all the ideographs was taken. Then, as the roman matter was set up, the English compositor had to leave proper space for each of the several hundred oriental passages to be inserted. Page proofs of the roman passages were made, and the
ideographs were then pasted, one after another, in the vacant spaces. Finally, full-page line cuts of each of the eighteen pages of mixed matter were photographed and etched, and printed by letterpress along with the rest of the issue. Verily, a tedious and time-consuming process! . . . A request has been made from Washington that the January paper by Macdonald, Shepard, and Cox entitled “The Tsunami of April 1, 1946, in the Hawaiian Islands” be reprinted in the Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution. This illustrated “tidal wave” study has aroused wide interest, and the results are obviously of national importance. . . . Most of the PACIFIC SCIENCE papers appearing in 1946 are still available in separate reprint form, and individual copies of
any previous article may be obtained free of charge by writing to the Office of Publications and Publicity, University of Hawaii, Honolulu 10, Hawaii. . . . As PACIFIC SCIENCE completes herewith its first year of publication, subscriptions are being received from many parts of the world, along with comments indicating that the journal is fulfilling a special need by publishing research papers dealing with the biological and physical sciences in the Pacific Area. Charter subscribers should now renew the journal for the year 1948. . . . Dr. A. Grove Day, under whose direction as Editor-in-Chief PACIFIC SCIENCE was designed, inaugurated,
and published for the past year, will return to his own teaching and research at the University of Hawaii after the current issue is printed. . . . The new editorial staff of the journal will consist of the following men: Dr. Leonard D. Tuthill of the Department of Zoology and Entomology, as Editor-in-Chief; Dr. O. A. Bushnell of the Department of Bacteriology, as Assistant Editor; and Thomas Nickerson, University Publications Editor, as Managing Editor.

Pacific Science 1, Index


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