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Much regret will bo felt for the death of Mr A. C. Knight, which took place at his residence, Mansfield Avenue, on Thursday, at the ago of 72. The late Mr Knight, who was a son of the Rev. Win. Knight, of Stevonton, Hants, came to tho colony in the year 1852, in the Samarang, being then twenty years of ago. Shortly after his arrival lie. with his elder brother, tho lato Mr Richard Knight, father of Mr H. A. Knight, of Racecourse Hill, took up a run in tho Sehvyn Valley, which ttiey called Steventon, «ft?r 4hoir old homo in Hampshire. About 1856 lie disposed of his share to his brother, and purchased a farm in the swamp below Prebbleton. While living there iio represented the Lincoln district in tho Provincial Council, boing Minister for Education from 1876 to 1877, at which date the provinces were abolished. During his term as Minister for Education, no was one or the primary movers in obtaining an endowment for the Lincoln Agricultural College. Ho sold out his farm in 1877, and bought a property near Akaroa, named Tikoa, from the late Mr James Bell, and later purchased the Island ±fciy property, which ho subsequently sold to Mr Black, of Akaroa. In 1898, haying let Tikao, he lived for a whilo in Australia and Tasmania, returning to Now Zealand in 1901. Hβ married in 1858. Miss Carolino E. Hankinsqn, daughter of the late Rev. Thos. X HankitiEon, M.A., who, with seven sons nnd four daughters, survived him. During the last three years Mr Knight was a confirmed invalid.

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12377, 16 December 1905, Page 12

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MR A. C. KNIGHT. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12377, 16 December 1905, Page 12

MR A. C. KNIGHT. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12377, 16 December 1905, Page 12