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i Two more namea have been, within the last • week, etruck off the roll of Canterbury's early , settlers. Both, by a coincidence somewhat i curious, were well-known clergymen of the I Church of England. They had reached, the ) one a ripe, the other an unusual age. Archdeacon Willock, though the younger man, was the oldor colonist. He arrired ia Lyttel- • ton in the Randolf, the lost to reach port of r the first four ships, and was consequently J one of Canterbury's pilgrim fathers. For five and twonty years, until, in fact, paralysis unfitted him for further duty, Archdeacon I Willock laboured in the service of the church. ; During this time his name and face wore > familiar throughout the Province, and wher- , ever thoroughly mown ho was as thoroughly ■ respected. Himself a man of sound scholarI ship, who had taken a good degree at Camt bridge, he interested himself greatly in the - cause of education, and was ono of the first k of his church to acquiesce in the system of I [ Stato education. Freviouely to this he had • established a Church of England school in

Haiapoi, of whiob parish he was so long incumbent. Ho wub also for some time Bursar of Christ's College. In the Synod of tho Dioceße his opinion • carried that weight which attaches to the views of a man of strong character and sound common sense. It is illustrative of the change which has come over the Church of England in certain things during the last thirty years, that Mr Willock was, when ho arri7ed ia Canterbury, considered perhaps ' tho mOBt advanced high churchman in the district. But though he probably never relaxed his opinions on matters of ritual, he lived to see them too commonly held by those around him to attract any attention. Taken altogether, wo have lost in Mr Willock a clergyman of a sound, strong, practical, clear-headed type, that is by no means too common now-a-days. The Reverend Henry Fendall, the other gentleman whose decease we have here to notice, was neither so prominent a churchman or colonist as Archdeacon Willock. Still he has been a quarter of a century in Canterbury, for he reached New Zealand in the ship Rose of Sharon, whioh arrived in Wellington in January, 1857. Mr Fendall at once went on to Canterbury, where his son, Mr Walpolo Fendall,— after whom tho suburb of Fendalton is named, — had been settled for some time previous. In spite of his advanced age, the reverend gentleman undertook parochial work for many years after his arrival here. Latterly he has lived principally in South Canterbury, retaining his health and faoulties - long after most of his contemporaries had , preceded him to the grave, and remaining a fine example of the metis sana in oorpore mno almost to the last. Mr Fendall was eighty-seven when he died ; a great age, if it be remembered that he was born when the first Napoleon was yet a young man, and within a twelvemonth of the time when the fall of Robespierre ended the Reign of Terror.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4400, 1 June 1882, Page 4

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OBITUARY. Star (Christchurch), Issue 4400, 1 June 1882, Page 4

OBITUARY. Star (Christchurch), Issue 4400, 1 June 1882, Page 4