by Roberto Busa SJ and associates
web edition by Eduardo Bernot and Enrique Alarcón
la versión española estará disponible en el futuro


You may type in any number of terms. By default, it is assumed that you want to search for all of the given terms within each of the textual units contained in the whole Index Thomisticus database, and that the given terms may appear in any order whatsoever with the only restriction that they be contiguous. However, you may override these settings by pressing the options button and modifying the defaults, or by using the advanced expression syntax given below. Having typed in the desired terms or expression, you can always press any of the following buttons:
concordances To read occurrences of the given terms (or expression) in their respective context.
terms To refine word selection for each given term by checking or unchecking individual forms, and to examine statistical information regarding their occurrence in the works that are selected.
works To examine statistical information concerning the occurrences of the given terms or expression in all listed works.
Notice: You can press this button at any time to select which works (individually or by category) will be included in the search.


Search terms may be expressed in three different manners: by supplying the desired word form, by supplying a lemma entry code (preceded by the # symbol) in order to select all of its forms, or by supplying a word form (preceded by the = symbol) that will serve as a sample for the selection of all of the forms belonging to the same lemma entry.

For example:
aegritudo Will search only for the word form aegritudo.
#02657 Will search for any of the word forms contained under the lemma whose entry code is 02657, including aegritudo, egritudo, aegritudinis, aegritudini, aegritudinem, aegritudine, aegritudines, egritudines, aegritudinum, aegritudinibus and egritudinibus. You can find out a lemma's entry code by typing a word form that belongs to the desired lemma and pressing the terms button: The lemma entry will appear along with all of its registered forms in a detailed table.
=aegritudo Will search for any of the word forms contained under the lemma that includes the word form aegritudo. Again, this would result in searching for any of the following words belonging to the lemma whose entry code is 02657: aegritudo, egritudo, aegritudinis, aegritudini, aegritudinem, aegritudine, aegritudines, egritudines, aegritudinum, aegritudinibus and egritudinibus.


You may also use the ? and * symbols as wildcards anywhere inside a word (except at its beginning) to substitute for arbitrary letters: The ? symbol stands for exactly one arbitrary letter, while the * symbol means zero or more arbitrary letters.

For example:
aegritudin? Will select the words aegritudini and aegritudine.
aegritudin* Will select the words aegritudinis, aegritudini, aegritudinem, aegritudine, aegritudines, egritudines, aegritudinum, aegritudinibus and egritudinibus.


As explained above, by default it is assumed that the order in which terms are to appear is indistinct. You may however enclose an expression in double quotation marks (") to indicate that the given order should be observed.

For example:
"dicit Commentator" Will search for all the occurrences of dicit followed by Commentator, but will omit occurrences of dicit preceded by Commentator.


As explained above, by default it is assumed that terms should be contiguous. You may however specify the number of words that you will allow to appear between any two given terms or expressions by typing ?n and/or *n in between them to indicate the desired minimum and/or maximum number (n) of words. Notice: Unless otherwise specified, the same restriction will apply to subsequent terms within the same expression.

For example:
dicit ?1 *3 Commentator Will search for all the occurrences of both dicit and Commentator separated by at least one, but no more than three intermediate words. For instance, this will include occurrences of "[...] Commentator, qui dicit [...]", "[...] dicit ibi Commentator [...]", "[...] Commentator etiam dicit [...]", "[...] Commentator Averroes ibidem dicit [...]", "[...] Commentator in eodem libro dicit [...]", "[...] dicit Boetius, et Commentator [...]", "[...] Commentator, V Metaph. dicit [...]", etc.


You may use the / symbol between any two given terms or expressions to indicate that any of them should be considered.

For example:
"ut/sicut dicit" Will search for either ut or sicut followed by dicit. This would include all occurrences of "[...] ut dicit [...]" and "[...] sicut dicit [...]".


You may enclose expressions in parentheses () to combine the various syntax options given above.

For example:
dicitur *3 (simpliciter/"secundum quid") Will search for all the occurrences of the word dicitur and either the word simplicter or the literal expression secundum quid , with up to three words between them. This would include cases such as "[...] dicitur secundum quid [...]", "[...] dicitur minoratus secundum quid [...]", "[...] dicitur simpliciter [...]", "[...] dicitur non nisi secundum quid [...]", "[...] dicitur infinita secundum quid [...]", "[...] simpliciter libertas dicitur [...]", "[...] dicitur corruptio secundum quid [...]", "[...] dicitur bonus vel malus simpliciter [...]", "[...] simpliciter esse dicitur [...]", etc.

Ipsa duce, pervenies

Fundación Tomás de Aquino
International Business Machines Associazione per la Computerizzazione delle Analisi Ermeneutiche Lessicologiche Universidad de Navarra - Departamento de Filosofía

© 2005 Enrique Alarcón and Eduardo Bernot as to this edition
© 2005 Società CAEL as to the Index Thomisticus
All rights reserved