Divisors of the Positive Integer 6

1, 2, 3, 6

Sum of all the Divisors of 6, including itself


Sum of the Proper Divisors of 6


Properties of the number 6

The integer 6 is an even number.
The integer 6 is a Composite number.
6 equals 6, so it is a Perfect number.

The number 6 as a Roman Numeral


The number 6 in various Numeral Systems

Base Representation
2: 110
3: 20
4: 12
5: 11
6: 10
7: 6
8: 6
9: 6
10: 6
11: 6
12: 6
13: 6
14: 6
15: 6
16: 6
17: 6
18: 6
19: 6
20: 6
21: 6
22: 6
23: 6
24: 6
25: 6
26: 6
27: 6
28: 6
29: 6
30: 6
31: 6
32: 6
33: 6
34: 6
35: 6
36: 6