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Those Whom the Gods Detest Tracklist

1 4th Arra of Dagon
2 Hittite Dung Incantation
3 Iskander D'hul Karnon
4 Iskander Dhul Kharnon
5 Kaffir
6 Kafir
7 Kafir !
8 Kafir!
9 Kem Khefa Khesef
10 Kem Khefa Kheshef
11 Permitting the Noble Dead to Descend to the Underworld
12 The Eye Of Ra
13 Those Whom the Gods Detest
14 Utterances of the Crawling Dead
15 Yezd Desert Ghul Ritual In The Abandoned Towers Of Silence
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Popular Nile Lyrics

1 Liber Stellae Rubeae
2 Unas, Slayer of the Gods
3 In the Name of Amun (Live at Wacken 2017)
4 The Gods Who Light Up the Sky At the Gate Sethu
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