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the belief that the gods have human nature, or are only deified men.
See also: God and Gods
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Our epoch is characterized by a broad development of creativity "in its own name," by a deluge of anthropotheism, in the form of a luciferian creative intoxication, and by an immersion in dull sensual paganism.
(Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005), 282-311; Sergei Bulgakov, Karl Marx as a Religious Type: His Relation to the Religion of Anthropotheism of L.
In this sense, then, the market as subject is not merely an anthropomorphism but an anthropotheism. Here we should remember with Feuerbach that this involves not only seeing in the market relations between us, but relations between us, and what we might be.
In a prescient reflection on the new anthropotheism of Feuerbach and his followers, Proudhon (the only European radical whom Herzen recognized as a mentor) observed that mankind's perennial yearning for the qualities traditionally assigned to their divinities had now led to the philosophically confused belief that they had only to abolish those gods in order to appropriate their perfections.